Former Archibald/Williams associate CD Lucy Kough returns to BMF for creative director role

BMF has today announced the return of Lucy Kough as a creative director.
With more than 20 years of experience, Kough has worked in roles across direct, brand, media, digital, experiential, regional, CRM in creative agencies including Ensemble Australia, Enigma Agency and Archibald/Williams. She has delivered work across a diverse range of brands such as The Australian, Vogue, The Cancer Council, KitKat, Allens, Lego, Hesta and The Australian Formula One Grand Prix. She recently led the Transport NSW ‘Saving Lives on Country Roads’ campaign that reversed the road toll on regional NSW roads with life-saving behaviour change.
Says Alex Derwin, chief creative officer of BMF: “Lucy brings a unique skillset to BMF which will definitely add creative power across the entire customer journey. She believes in the same thing we all do – the power of great ideas to transform brands and businesses, and we are very excited to welcome Lucy back to the BMF family.”
Says Kough: “BMF was the agency that elevated my career. Now, almost ten years later, I’m thrilled to be back. Our clients need creativity in every part of their business, now more than ever. I’m looking forward to combining my love of data, craft and solving problems with an incredible team around me.”
Yes, Lucy! Congrats, they’re lucky to have you x
Well done Lucy – Welcome home!
Congrats Lucy and nice to see a positive story of someone coming back.
Huge congrats! Fabulous news x
Great hire!
Awesome. Welcome back.
Huge congrats!! Lucy is an absolute gun, BMF is lucky to have her! xx
Bravo Luce.
BMXer return. Enjoy, Lucy.
Woohoo!! Very excellent news. Congrats Lucy.
Yas! Great move all round.
Lucy is the bizness.
Fans forever.
The best news I have read in a long, long time…buckle up, BMF!
greatest place i’ve ever worked at. congrats bmf and Lucy
Yes Lucy!! Fab news and great hire by BMF x