Follow the Rising Sun to commemorate Anzac Day: creatives in OZ/NZ invited to join the project and share the event in their neighbourhoods

A group of creatives have developed a concept for ANZAC Day, April 25, to create content live across Australia and New Zealand and show people’s commemorations in isolation. They’re inviting other creatives to join the project and share the event in their neighbourhoods.
Given the fact that ANZAC day will not proceed as usual this year, many will have heard about the great idea which has been circulating, that people walk out from their homes at 5.55 am to mark and celebrate ANZAC Day.
The ‘Follow the Rising Sun’ concept is to coordinate Drone Pilots, Photographers, Videographers and Musicians across the two nations and further abroad, streaming this phenomenal spectacle live across an online streaming platform to symbolise the connection across both our great countries of Australia, New Zealand and beyond our shores captured during Anzac Day.
Live stream filming, uploading of images and Youtube clips of neighbourhoods will bring together thousands as they stand on their verges in isolation but together as an Australian & New Zealand Story of Connection!
The impact on the Screen Industry & Music Industry will give creatives an opportunity to collaborate with music and video across a multi-channel platform.
We also would love the footage to be uploaded (visit the website) to be used in an ANZAC DAY IN ISOLATION Film on how the nations came together.
Ideas on the Website / Facebook page on how to participate…
• Make a wreath to put on the drive way
• Chalk drawings on the road / footpaths of Anzac relevant
• Have a driveway BBQ (Don’t forget ANZAC Day is all day!)
• Post a note on your local community groups so that you can communicate and liaise with people to know what they are doing so that they can be filmed.
• This is the time to come together to create your own ANZAC Day event in your community
• Collaborate with existing Anzac projects that are been curated across the globe.
Register your involvement on the website.
Facebook: Follow the Rising Sun
Vintage radio station/hillsong vibes from that website.
We stand to lose more than we did in WW1 and WW2 if we don’t lock down.
Why the heck are you encouraging people to ‘get amongst it’?
Things like this really make me realise why so many people hate the advertising industry.
The rising son is the name of the Japanese ensign, previous to and in WWII. Be prepared for some backlash. Nice thought but do your research first young’ns.
Peak virtue signalling
Either someone doesn’t understand what the words – The Rising Sun – mean to ex-servicemen and women and their relatives, or someone did, and thought it would be ‘creative’ to use them for Anzac Day.
Our shared history with New Zealand can’t erase the atrocities and deaths at the hands of those fighting under the Rising Sun.
No doubt the creative team will remember Armistice Day with a Follow the Swastika campaign.
There are times when ad people should just stand in silence like the rest of us. This is one of them.
Right wing nonsense.
Proudly worn by soldiers of the 1st and 2nd Australian Imperial Force in both World Wars, the ‘Rising Sun’ badge has become an integral part of the digger tradition. The distinctive shape of the badge, worn on the upturned side of a slouch hat, is commonly identified with the spirit of Anzac.
If it’s just for Australia then Rising Sun has a different meaning as it’s used by the Australian Army.
But its for Australia AND New Zealand
Unless the Rising Sun insignia is a symbol used by the New Zealand military, then the meaning of the Rising Sun can be interpreted very differently.
Do the Kiwis have to dump their kiwi insignia and use the Aussies rising sun insignia for the ‘idea’ work better?
Or is the plan to make next year’s campaign ‘Follow the Kiwi’?
This is not an ‘industry’ initiative. Maybe the neighbourhood stream aspect is, but you can’t claim it as your own idea. It had already been planned by local neighbourhoods and the RSL as a whole. Plus, RSL’s Australia wide at least, are all streaming their own local stuff where possible.
“X 6 or 7 shots of people standing outside looking at the sun is all we need. If you get the lip of the dawn or twilight sun on the lip of a soldiers hat or badge or slow-mo flag waving, we’re good.”
“Open on stomping of feet, end on echoing trumpet … uniforms to be delivered to extra talent Saturday”.