Farewell to The Campaign Palace, Melbourne – Industri Cafe, 4pm-8pm TODAY Friday 13th July
Palace great Ron Mather is helping to organise a final farewell to The Campaign Palace in Melbourne on TODAY – Friday 13th July at Industri cafe, 181 Ferrars Street, South Melbourne.
Mather told CB: “The Campaign Palace started in Melbourne, so it’s appropriate it ends here too. We would love anyone who ever worked at the Palace, or for the Palace, any ex Palace clients, in fact anyone who feels they were touched by the Palace to be there, and help celebrate the magnificent life of this once great advertising agency. All drinks at bar prices.
“Attached is a very early picture taken outside The Palace in Cecil Street, South Melbourne. From left: Jack, Gordon, Ian Watson, me, Lionel. The young boy in front was just walking past at the time. We got him in the shot because he had a T shirt on that read ‘Though shalt not hassle’.
You should try to get there.”
We will Ron, we will.
What a rare picture, Ian Watson doesn’t appear to be talking.
Thanks to all who worked at Fitzroy Street for the wonderful memories.
i’ll be thinking of you. Still sick from the Sydney one.