Erin Brockovich fronts Shine Lawyers’ campaign
September 10 2009, 2:27 pm | | 18 Comments
Australia’s leading specialist litigation firm Shine Lawyers are using their partnership with Erin Brockovich to step up the fight against big business. The advertising campaign, via Publicis Mojo, Brisbane, begins today in Queensland, and will air in Victoria later this month and Western Australia in October.
thank you for the recommendation of who I can make a claim with regarding the ear & eye damage suffered from watching this
You know what,
If you have the world’s most famous ligitation lawyer working with you, and you want to tell people this, you dispense with the creative niceties people like us will offer up… and just shoot a talking head.
You shoot her simply, looking earnest and trustworthy and believable. Anything else would be a dumbarse waste of the clients money.
If you have holes in your lungs courtesy of working in an asbestos factory, or your legs got crushed at work and you’re looking for legal representation… the last thing you’re going to respond well to is the sort of ad we all like to watch.
This’ll work, and you just have to accept that not everything can or should conform to the creative bible.
It’s nice, I mean Erin Brokovich, absolute wow factor there.
It might have been funnier or more memorable if there was a bit of a twist in the script, still keep the straight delivery but put something funny in there.
Otherwise, they’ll have to keep this ad running for a long time in the hope someone sees it then goes for a litigation claim.
Speaking of which, what’s her number?
No credits? curious.
I think that this was a wasted an opportunity, for the sake of the client’s money.
No one knows what the real Erin Brockovich looks like. So unless you’ve had Julia Roberts in a tight mini skirt, and curly hair going “hi i’m Erin Bockovich” no one would have recognize her. You might as well would have got any black middle aged guy with a mustache guy and go” Hi I’m Johnnie Cochran” (which would have been a better choice if he wasn’t dead)
The production values look poor. It feels like one of those ads Advertising Advantage makes late at nite. To me, It just feels like a piece of wallpaper. i agree with 6.22 you could have made it a bit more memorable.
Then again. “Hey, hey this is Queensland”
Geesus, I’ve got jarrah table that’s less wooden.
She was a lot hotter when she was Julia Roberts.
why not Lindsay Lohan’s mother? or another worn out piece of leather….
Put something ‘funny’ in there?
I really don’t get that. You’re talking to people probably in the depths of despair, their lives ruined by illness/accident, and you reckon funny would make this ad work harder?
Not only would it be inappropriate, but having seen Erin’s performance, who honestly thinks she’d be able to pull off ‘funny’ without coming across as painfully uncomfortable?
Asbestos. Lung cancer. Spinal cord injuries. Humour to improve memorability??? Look, I really don’t think so.
Seriously, there’s a time and a place for everything. I know the admin put stuff like this up so we can all have our fun bashing it like a pinata, but hand on heart, this will work its arse off.
And you know what? It’s weird but if I ever get crushed by a huge pile of soup cans at Coles, and need a law firm to litigate on my behalf, I reckon I’ll remember the Erin Brockovich lawyers in Australia, google them and give them a call.
Totally agree 10:47.
Not to rag, but who the hell was her makeup artist? Her mum?
Why would you post this?
9:23 if you feel so strongly about it why did you leave your name off the credits.
Lack of credits would suggest the agency probably didn’t post it. More likely was Shine’s PR company.
About as interesting as lawyers.
And why are lawyers allowed to advertise? They shouldn’t be drumming up business. They’re supposed to defend not attack. Wrong wrong wrong.
What next?? Ever coughed, spat brownish phlegm, well you’ve probably got cancer. And the best cancer doctor is me. And if you call now – i’ll throw in a free kidney.
Yes she’s very wooden and yes the ad is a little jerky in the editing.
But she comes across as a very real, honest person. It doesn’t feel like she’s repeating a speech she’s said 100 times. And there was enough media coverage of her recent visit that many people will recognise her.
I don’t think a big smooth, glossy ad would really have the same effect.
Looks like it was personally done by Craig David.
Last time I looked, Publicis was big business.
And so was corporation Erin.
Please, would someone explain what is happening here?
It’s doing my head in!!!
about HALF of you above this comment are attacking Erin because she is more successful then you will ever be. I’m sure if you were one of her plaintiffs in the PG & E case then you would have been 100%satisfied with what she can do ad what she has done. Here is an ultamatun for all of you who have had a cry-baby whinge, done something that makes people go “Erin who” then you can mouth off all you like about her, but until that day, just shut your mouth and hope that you don’t get your asses sued by SHINE lawyers. if you feel as though your up for a response then respond to this post. “HI, Have a nice day :)”