eHarmony Australia shows the importance of ‘competibility’ in latest TV campaign via Kalido

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eHarmony Competibility TVC (1).jpgFirst there was Date Déjà Vu, followed by Fitdate Fail; and now, Australia’s most trusted online dating site, eHarmony, has launched its newest TVC, Competibility via creative and digital agency Kalido.

The new campaign, which includes 15 and 30 second TV ads, demonstrates the importance of compatibility or, in this case, ‘competibility’ by showing that even the dogs lose out when singles are poorly matched.

Says Lynsey Tomkinson, senior marketing manager, eHarmony: “eHarmony is different to other dating sites because we match people on a deeper level, which saves time and results in better dates.


“Whether or not you’re a dog lover, now’s the best time to try eHarmony; it’s our busiest time of year with a big spike in registrations so there are more chances of being matched with someone you really click with.”


says Michael Cleary, operations director, Kalido: “Our challenge was showing why compatibility matters in dating and to bring that concept to life in a fun and relatable way. We think this spot achieves that; we also had a lot of fun making it.”

Client: eHarmony Australia

Creative agency: Kalido

Production: 8

Director: Eddy Bell

Producer: Lib Kelly

Canis familiaris: Boz and Montana