Drug & Alcohol Office of WA targets pregnant women with new campaign via The Brand Agency
June 27 2012, 9:20 pm | | 23 Comments
The Brand Agency, Perth produced this poster as part of a campaign for the Drug & Alcohol Office of Western Australia to alert women that drinking whilst pregnant can be harmful to their unborn baby.
Ok. That’s nice… You made a poster. Congratulations.
Nice and simple as a good poster should be.
Nice use of the of the glass curve, Dave.
And there I was thinking that Perth was only 3 hours behind.
Me likey.
Works well, an empty wine glass, could even be a water droplet, it doesn’t matter. Effective and simple. Well done.
Nice work. Really simple. Love it.
brilliant – I am always amazed at how many pregannt woment think it’s ok to drink, and to drink in substantial quantities.
A simple poster is needed to reinforce the idea to the women themselves, and also to the people around them who keep throwing out the “go on, one wont hurt” crap.
good on them!
It is effective and simple. It’s also pretty obvious. More than that, it’s a pretty hard line message (no fault of the creatives here, they’re just doing their job). Every doctor I asked point blank about drinking whilst pregnant admitted that they were told to tell patients zero alcohol but in their opinion, the odd glass of wine caused no damage at all.
When they say no alcohol, they’re really talking to people who drink a lot, they’re trying to avoid fetal alcohol syndrome through binge drinking. In our nanny state society, it’s easier to say have nothing than ask people to use common sense and use moderation. Or so my obstetrician said, who drank moderately during her pregnancy and whose kids apparently are fine. The one thing they’re all dead against though is smoking…
Thats great, coming into award season too.
love it , the fragile empty glass says it all.
…look the wine glass resembles a pregnant stomach.
Has been done to death, shapes cropped to look like a stomach, I saw it years back using the old iMacs for an online pregnancy site, had been done well before that too – thought we’ve moved on from this sort of first thought visual?
Hey Dejavu, haven’t you said all this before? Maybe you’re right, but i haven’t seen it before and thought it was good. Each to their own.
did you dejavu? did you think that the business works best in collective trends? and that fast and simple was now out of vogue? maybe you dont really know what’s good until an award annual tells you. maybe youre just a fucking newbie who doesn’t get this business at all…or maybe you’re hot shit and are leading the way for the rest of us? so what’s next? what should we all be doing for govt accounts? what’s the latest?dying to know…you tell me and i’ll tell my department. then we’ll be hot shit like you…
Just try being original. That’s all. 😉
Dejavu, i’d love to see some examples of your ‘original’ thinking. It’s easy to accuse people of a lack of originality, but your argument would carry more weight if you were give us examples of how you have solved briefs in a fresh and innovative way. That’s all.
There’s plenty of those around as is. All we need to do is keep producing more of them and not lazy first thoughts, visual or otherwise.
Yeah it’s simple an it’ll do the job but like others have said, we’ve seen this before (I have to admit when I started out I did the same thing for a different cause with a lightbulb).
terribly boring.
Damn it my previous sarcasm gets lost amongst everyones actual praise.
Time Warp’s comment was better.
That’s all.
Great idea guys, well done.