Highly acclaimed international director Derin Seale moves to Sydney and joins Finch roster


derin1.jpgDerin Seale (pictured), has relocated to Sydney with his family and joined the Finch roster.

Says Finch managing director Rob Galluzzo: “I am thrilled that Derin has returned home to Australia.  As a company, Finch is all about working with a small group of very talented people, who happen to be nice. And fun to work with. Derin fits right in. He is a very accomplished director and adds another dimension to the Finch roster. We look forward to doing some stand out work with him this year.”

On set from the age of 6, Seale grew up in a family of cineastes and spent a lot of time on location learning the crafts of the different department heads. His firm grasp of creative development, technical production processes, and interest in “classically dramatic but visually imaginative stories” make him a unique talent. 

Directing action sequences in the Hollywood features Cold Mountain and The Talented Mr Ripley helped Seale hone his skill of creating big visual work. His 2010 QATAR short helped the Middle-Eastern nation win the hosting rights for the 2022 Soccer World Cup.


Seale has just finished production on a campaign for New Zealand’s Transport Authority that is both hard-hitting and beautiful. As always, Seale pushed production boundaries – using vertical suspension rigs to capture the split second of a car’s impact at speed, combining this with the poetry of ultra slow motion photography.