DDB NZ appoints American Adam Kanzer as CD – fills vacuum left after departure of Bridget Taylor


Adam Kanzer DDB New Zealand-web.jpgDDBNew Zealand today announced the appointment of New York native AdamKanzer, in the role of creative director, replacing deputy creativedirector Bridget Taylor, who recently moved to Singapore.

Formerlyan associate creative director at BBDO New York (Cannes 2008 Agency ofthe Year), Kanzer came to the attention of DDB New Zealand executivecreative director Toby Talbot following his work on global brands suchas Fedex, monster.com and BBC World Service.

“It’s not surprising he’s done such a great body of work. He’s beentaught by the best,” says Talbot (pictured below with Kanzer). “Prior to joining us, Adam has onlyever worked for the legendary Eric Silver who gave him his first job atCliff Freeman Associates in New York. Adam then followed Eric to BBDOvia Fallon New York.”

Silver (newly appointed ECD of DDB New York), speaks highly of his 31year old protégé: “Adam is a good dude who happens to be very, verytalented”.

Talbot adds: “I’ve been looking for a year or so to find the rightperson to fit our culture and embrace our way of working. Adam’sprevious agency was a traditional New York multinational thatcompletely reinvented itself into this incredible powerhouse ofcreativity. I’m hoping he can bring a lot of BBDO New York learnings toDDB.”

“Adam’s been responsible for some great work at BBDO. But the thingthat impressed me most was that it wasn’t all big budget TV (just aswell when you’re coming to work in NZ!) He’s clearly media neutral andunderstands the power and strength of a multi-discipline approach. I’mconfident he’ll provide a fresh view on our work.

He’s had the benefit of being in NZ these last two months on contract.It was a big move for him and a big one for us. It had to be right. Thefit has been amazing. The department has really taken to Adam, and heto the department. I think we’re ready to pick out some curtains now.”

Toby Talbot_Adam Kanzer -small.jpgSandy Moore, DDB New Zealand Group CEO says with the departure ofBridget Taylor he and Talbot were looking for a lieutenant who sharedTalbot’s vision for ideas that transform a client’s business. WithKanzer in the role of CD, Talbot says he will now be able to take moreof a Group Executive CD role and harness talent across the DDB Group.

“DDB has an amazing group of specialist agencies operating under oneroof. What I want to concentrate on in the coming year is bringingthese talents together more. Adam’s appointment frees me up to do that.”

Kanzer says the work coming out of the DDB New Zealand office was whatattracted him most to the opportunity: “When I was in New York it wasclear New Zealand was on the map creatively. As I started to look atwho was producing really stellar work the same names kept appearing atthe bottom – DDB became un-missable. I like that DDB New Zealand arespecialists across all disciplines. They hit home runs in everyarea…every genre…every medium.”

Kanzer’s work has been featured in virtually every major award show andpublication including Cannes, The One Show, D&AD, Radio MercuryAwards, Clios, ANDY’s, Art Directors Club, OBIE’s, Archive, and LondonInternational Awards.

Bob Scarpelli, chairman & chief creative officer of DDB Worldwidedescribed Kanzer as a “terrific young guy… who is mature and thoughtfulbeyond his years.”