Curry Club for COVID Relief, powered by UnLtd, challenges ad industry to raise $100,000

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Curry Club for COVID Relief, powered by UnLtd, challenges ad industry to raise $100,000

The media, marketing and creative industries are being encouraged to host their own “Curry Club for COVID” before 30th June to help meet the ambitious $100K target set by its organisers.


Curry Club for COVID, which was conceived by long-time adtech executive Peter Bray, sales director at Impact and is powered by industry social purpose organisation UnLtd, will donate 100 percent of all funds raised to GiveIndia’s COVID Response Fund-1 and its ICRF-2 which supports gaps in healthcare and other critical needs.

The concept of Curry Club for COVID Relief is simple. Get together with colleagues and friends to enjoy an Indian meal – order into the office, visit a restaurant or host your own Curry Club at home – and then invite all the guests to donate. UnLtd will provide a unique donation link and is encouraging workplaces to provide the meal and ask employees to donate, and to consider matching employee contributions.

Says Bray: “Like many people in the industry, I have many India-based colleagues, and wanted to find a way to raise much needed funds to support COVID relief efforts.

“India’s second-wave of COVID-19 has had a catastrophic impact on the country, with over 170,000 dead in April and June according to official statistics, hospitals are overwhelmed, oxygen is in short supply and nearly 600 children have lost both parents.  I’ve heard first-hand from friends and colleagues in India just how desperate the situation is and would urge as many people as possible to help make a difference by hosting their own Curry Club for COVID Relief event before the end of June.”

Says Rachel Troy, COO, UnLtd: “When Peter told us about his Curry Club for COVID relief we knew UnLtd could help. We’d love to see as many companies and individuals in the media, marketing and creative industries host an event in June to help us achieve our target.”

How to get involved

  • – Contact Saarika Shah ( Head of Industry Partnerships at UnLtd for a unique donation link
  • – Host an Indian meal at your office, a restaurant or at home and collection donations.
  • – Ask your workplace to match employee contributions.
  • – Share your efforts using #curryclubforcovid
  • – Or simply donate here