CumminsRoss to open in Melbourne on 11.1.11
Sean Cummins has teamed with Jason Ross, the former executive creative director of CHEMelbourne, to start a new agency called CumminsRoss, which opens its doors on the 11th of January 2011 in St Kilda, Melbourne.
They have assembled a team of eight partners across media, creative, digital, direct and strategy tocreate a one stop shop.
The other partners, who also have equity in thebusiness, are former Wunderman MD Chris Jeffares as managing director; formerMindshare associate Kirsty Muddle as head of media strategy; former nationalstudio manager of cummins&partners Steven Tortosa as creative servicesdirector; Faye Collay former senior digital producer of Sapient Nitro as headof digital; former independent accountant Monique Swallow as finance director;and Michelle Wensor as head of operations.
The bundling up of all the skills and disciplines in oneplace under one brand – with new disciplines to be added acrossbranded content, product development, event management and PR as the agency grows – runs counter to recent trends to create specialist divisionswithin an agency network.
“We have – literally – bought in to the simple ideal that all aspects of the advertising and communications function should be in the one place. No fiefdoms, no silos, no divisions. And clients will benefit from this,” Ross told CB
There aren’t any clients at present and the partners are yet to take part in any pitches – the idea is to open the doors and build the client base from there.
“I had a few fireside chats with senior respected marketers about thisidea and the overwhelming response was “thank god… a real one stop shop,” saidCummins, who sold his former agency Cummins&Partners to Nitro, which wasthen sold to Sapient to become SapientNitro. Cummins has been on gardening leave for the past year, although he has helped developed a reality TV show called The AdBreak to be broadcast in Asia that he will co-host.
Ross (left), who spent the past five years at CHE Melbourne, leaving in September, started his career at Mojo in Melbourne working with Cummins. He’s also a former creative director and partner of M&C Saatchi Singapore and Auckland.
“We always knew we would do it because we got on so well, created brilliantly together and most importantly launched new campaigns together that have stood the test of time,” said Ross on teaming up with Cummins to start an agency.
This includes campaigns like Tourism Victoria which has run for 18 years, and the iconic NZ beer campaign Tui “Yeah Right” which has run for 15 years.
“When we thought about what sort of agency we wanted to have, we knew it couldn’t be just a couple of creative guys sitting at acoffee shop,” added Cummins.
“We started talking about what we have called the New Advertising. It’s not just about digital, social media or all the journalese in the industry currently. It’s about a new era in advertising that is more personal, more relevant, more global, operates in real time – that means faster and cheaper – and is powered by constantly evolving technology,” said Ross.
Cummins (left) said that big agencies may face the Roman Empire or Mayan Dynasty complex becoming so used to their way of life and their structure, that when they try to change, downsize or adapt, the people panic and the empire collapses.
“Of course people may say, it’s back to the future as a model. And in essence it is…that model worked. And advertising has been the poorer for the split up ofthese disciplines. And now, traditional agencies are scrambling to find ways tobring their various ‘brands’ back together. We can do it from day one,” he said.
There are plans to have offices in Asia starting with Singapore and Shanghai within 12 months. This will either come fromtheir own investment, or an alliance with a network that shares similarambitions.
Hey, is this the same Sean Cummins that was the creator of the “Best Job in the World” fame?
Tremble people this ones gonna rock the planet!!!!
Eight partners, but only two names on the door. The old model that they are referring to treated media and direct as second class citizens, doesn’t look like much has changed.
First I picked Amercain in the Cup, now this.
Anonymous said:
Cummins Ross or Ross Cummins?
September 8, 2010 8:00 PM
Awesome. Sean, you can’t sit still can you. If it’s anything like the original Cummins&Partners, it will be a great place to work. Good luck with it mate.
Jason, great move, you are working with the “creator of Best Job”. The same person who single handedly came up with the Tourism Vic “You’ll love every piece” idea.
Looks like value for money.
Who’s handling the job bags?
Good luck to all.
great to see that sean hasn’t lost his head tilt. is he serious?
Good luck Jase, wish you all the best on this “powerful” endeavour.
Have a crack you c*nts! well done.
I guess he could have sat around and counted his multiple millions. But that’s not Sean. Tip of the hat, sir.
The Bold and the Beautiful.
Looks like the promo pic for a new soap/drama. A touch of Melrose meets Models Inc about it. Might go more like Central Park West I reckon.
Feels more like Knots Landing than Dallas.
tremble minions! tremble hard!
Awesome news guys. Getting the old band back together again!
Best of luck – though I’m sure you won’t need it!
I used to play in that band. Now I play in a tribute band. Need a good keyboard player? (copywriter)
“I can play the tambourine” (my art director)
Thank god. We were in such tremendous need for another ‘integrated’ agency. You’ve saved us again, Sean.
Amazing how he can strike that same pose over and over. I guess that’s what we call a professional. CSI Melbourne, I reckon.
RE TVStar @9:10
this : someones role model?
RE : 9:20
“Because you’re worth it”
THe 80s are back!
More cowbell.
This one’s for you 10.15
Remember – only press the link after a pun so bad it requires putting on sunglasses.
Random Police Officer – ‘They say he’s been out of the industry, maybe even in Asia making reality TV.’
Non-descript ginger-haired detective with a monotone voice – ‘Well by the looks of it…
(put on sunglasses)
‘… he’s Cummins back.’
Then click here –
Sean was smart enough to embrace digital early. He’s clearly had a long term relationship with the Photoshop retouching brush.
Another ‘retail’ agency,
Enjoy long hours, low pay and leaving with the same folio you walked in with.
and don’t forget the “We won’t pay you much, but it will help you get your next job” spiel.
Lots of chiefs. No indians. And no clients. The perfect business model.
Sean has at least one thing (and possibly more) thing that so many other people in this industry don’t have: the balls to get out there and have a go. I actually really don’t like him and have many issues with him and how he goes about things. However, I still find his entrepreneurial spirit inspiring and something to emulate rather than deride or criticise.
When Jason Ross stops telling people he created 100% Pure New Zealand maybe Sean Cummins will stop telling people he created the best job in the world.
My God! They actually did a wardrobe change for this shoot. Check out the PR shot on mumbrella [Sorry Lynchy!@]
I wonder how many of these comments are from his old place? Looks like it.
It seems that the guy had his lunch cut fairly unceremoniously at the end there.
He appeared to get ‘the Rudd’knife in the back at night’ treatment.
The good guys win in the end. So we’ll see if he was the good guy.
Good luck to CumminsRoss.
Judging by the sour grapes comments on here, his old place are feeling threatened.
Yeah, and that chick at the front doesn’t look happy with either situation.
To add to the long list of things that Sean Cummins created: The one stop shop.
Notice the agency’s start date:
That’s no coincidence. The balance is perfect. Symmetry has significance, as do certain numbers. And, with that many ‘1’s lined up, his intentions are quite clear.
This is someone who knows how to use numbers, words and provocative PR to get a reaction. This is a guy who knows how to project power and success. This man will take an idea from your own whiteboard and confound you with it, you poor wretches.
Advertising: meet your very own Keyser Söze. He pretended he didn’t exist for a little while. Now he’s real again. And, yes, I suspect he IS back to mess with your heads.
all the positive comments are always from the agency lol
@November 26, 2010 2:57 PM
Oh Sean, you devil.
I’m looking to sell my house can you guys help me get the offer i want?
It’s the old Cummins&Partners crew: Sean, Michelle (his EA), Stevie (the head of studio), Monique (the finance girl). At least they go in with eyes wide open.
Who’s Chris Jeffares??
3:13 (It appears you have some symmetry there, too.)
Normally, you would be absolutely right. 3:13 (as would you, 3:34). Agencies ARE always doing that. However, let me assure you: I have never worked for him and have no, as Thomas Jefferson once put it, ‘entangling alliances’.
I simply possess a penchant for The Unseen.
And, 4.39, a penchant for wankery.
is it just me or is it weird that when you double click on the group shot it becomes a close up of Sean’s head.
Good on ya Jase, though Ross Cummins sounds better.
The unseen? It’s in the fucking headline, Beaudelaire.
Some nasty stuff on here from the old agency crew.
Transparent fellas, transparent.
Revenge is a dish best served cold eh???
Chris Jeffares? Google ‘DJ ChRiSsY J’ !
I once started my own agency back 2001 with no clients. Fortunately we had no overheads and landed two biggish clients after running a cheeky ad in the Fin Review.
Good luck Jason & Sean. You are covering 6 heavyweight salaries until you land the big one. I would put the Singapore/Shanghai blurb on the back-burner until you get going here first.
You guys are either foolhardy or have something big up your sleeve. One thing you guys have are the balls to start again. Not something most of the @ssholes who’ve posted negative comments have.
Play the ball not the man.
Yes 5:16, of course it’s in the headline, Einstein – a gold star to my anaemic little friend. But no-one was exploring it and I’ll tell you why, because like yourself, they were all too busy worrying about miniscule little everyday office matters and machinations like sucking up to the right people or being an outside chance of banging the new AE after Friday drinks. And, as for you, 5:03, for what it’s worth, both your wife and your Mum didn’t think it was ‘wankery’ when I offloaded a pearlescent dose down their willing throats. But, once again, I digress.
Have any of you knockers ever tried to open your own shop and seen how hard it is? I bet you would love to be given the chance of doing your own thing.
Wardrobe change between PR shots for mumbrella is hilarious.
I think they got it right.
Cummins Ross And Partners.
I’ve always admired the use of acronyms in branding.
Interesting to note that Jeffares is yet another Digital guy running an integrated agency. Follows Whittle taking over at M&C Saatchi a few back. Times have changed.
I don’t think 5.03 needs to worry too much. You only undertake that act with men. And I think you answered the question as to whether you’re a wanker or not in your response.
Baudelaire, 5.03 here. I didn’t realise we were brothers. My apologies.
Best wishes guys! Lets the fun begin in 2011!
With the incredible leadership skills of SEAN CUMMINS and the undeniable passion of Jason Ross, I have no doubt that CumminsRoss will kick goals!
AND TO THE GREEN EYED MONSTERS – I’d like to see you (Yes you know who you are) open your own agency? All these negative comments are a disgrace to the industry!
One stop shop is not media, creative & digital only. Genius. There is more too it than that. How original, small agency being faster, cheaper and more relevant. Thats not new. Thats has always been the case with small agencies.
Hang on because cummins said it must be true. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP.
If you click on the image of the agency line up, and then drag it to your desktop, the file opens big enough to set it as your desktop wallpaper.
I’m using it now, and it looks great.
Ha, ha, ha, ha. That’s hilarious. Cummins Ross and Partners, CRAP. Ha, ha, ha. Spot on.
Ian Watson, the real author of 100% New Zealand won’t be happy with the revelation that he didn’t pen it.
Not sure about Watto, 1:51, I heard it was Putters and/or Morden.
Lynchy, could you offer an official adjudication?
What a pile of fucking gibberish!!!
Can I have a job please???
When will they start stealing clients? Oh, they already have.
The date the world ended
I think you all have done an amazing job and the days i had at Cummins&Partners and CumminsNitro were the best years. And the crew you have now Amazing !!! i see great things happening. Welldone everyone 🙂
when we promise hope we dont have to deliver return on investment just hope