Compare the Market reveals comparison machine in latest campaign via VCCP Sydney
Leading financial comparison platform for insurance and household bills, Compare the Market, helps an Aussie every ten seconds. Its latest campaign, via VCCP, highlights that and the fact that Compare the Market has now helped over six million Australians look for a better deal.
In the TVC, viewers find boss meerkat Aleksandr eager to pass the business baton on to his toddler heir Oleg, with a tour of the inner workings of the company. First stop is the amazing comparison ‘Machine That Goes Bing’.
The campaign is supported by out of home, radio, online video and social media.
Says Michael Goodhew, general manager – brand, Compare the Market: “Since coming into the Australian market nearly 10 years ago, we’ve helped millions of Australians look for a better deal on the cost of running a household. Through Oleg learning the ropes of the business, Australians will understand we can help find the right deal for them and take control of their finances.”
Says Paul Sharp, creative director, VCCP Sydney: “When your client has impressive stats and even more impressive machinery to share it’s always fun. Throw in a cute toddler meerkat and Boom! Make that Bing!
Agency: VCCP Sydney
Creative Director: Paul Sharp
Contributing Writers: Daniel Wood, Kat Topp
Producers: Sue Hind, Esme Fisher, Paul Friedmann
Senior Account Manager: Sannidhi Mehta, Daniel Wood
Group Account Director: Elizabeth Barnett
Managing Director: Suzie Roberts
Strategy Director: Josh Manning
Executive Planning Director: Kim Feitelberg
Production Company: Passion Pictures
Director: Dave Scanlon
Sound: SongZu
Client: Compare the Market
Brand and Campaign Coordinator: Amber Hagan
Brand and Campaign Manager: Nikolah Best, Carolina Perez Rebolledo
General Manager, Brand: Michael Goodhew
Chief Marketing Officer: Chris Catchpoole
3 agency producers????????
i’m sick to death of these goddamn meerkats. time for a refresh, people.
Agree’d. Call the bloody pest controller.
Same old same old. Time to move on, it’s really boring.
The meerkats have jumped the shark. But it would be a real shame to ditch the brand property because the writing’s no good.
If I was another agency I’d pitch for the business on the promise of keeping the meerkats but making the advertising brilliant (again).
These Meerkats aren’t going anywhere, people.
You must be mad! Ever heard of distinctive brand assets. There aren’t going anywhere.