Communications Council launches $99 AWARD membership in bid to make it affordable for all

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Craig_Davis-Crop.jpgIn one of its most important moves since commencing operation last year, the Communications Council has launched a new level of individual membership, incorporating the existing AWARD and APG memberships.


Priced at $99 (wherever you are in the world), this represents a massive decrease in membership fees for AWARD members from around $260 in previous years.


Those that sign up for their AWARD membership will receive a free AWARD Annual + DVD (retails for $220) – and of course your name will be in the book as a member – and will be offered a member price to AWARD events, including the annual AWARD awards, and discounted tickets to Communications Council events, such as the upcoming Circus.

awardannual.png“We’ve decided that AWARD will be far stronger if everyone can afford to be a member and we deliver great value for money,” said AWARD chairman Craig Davis (pictured).


“The aim is to make AWARD a loud and clear voice on the value of creativity in business and up the appetite for great creative work. The more supporters we have, the faster it will happen.”


The renewed membership structure is part of The Communications Council’s aim to encourage industry participation in events, training and networking initiatives.


‘Be in the industry you’re in’ rolls out across the industry this month with information and on the spot sign up facilities at Circus next week.



AWARD currently has approximately 200 members.