Clemenger BBDO Sydney snares BMF’s Chris Wilson and Roy Leibowitz as creative directors

CB Exclusive – Clemenger BBDO Sydney has lured creative directors Chris Wilson and Roy Leibowitz from BMF, where they created notable work including the Barista Bros ‘Catfish’ and ALDI ‘Great Food Migration’ flying bananas ads.
The long time creative pairing, who bring a combined two decades’ experience in their craft, landed in September and already have work in market, delivering the Xavier Ellis Medal social-driven campaign for WA’s TABtouch to coincide with the AFL Grand Final held in Perth.
The duo join from BMF where they spent two years in senior creative roles, working on, among other things, the Barista Bros ‘Catfish’ and ALDI ‘Great Food Migration’ flying bananas ads. Prior to that, they worked at M&C Saatchi where they helped launch the Long May We Play platform for TAB, and at Innocean and Marcel, they produced work for Hyundai, Kia and Tiger Beer.
Says Brendan Willenberg and Darren Wright, ECDs Clemenger BBDO Sydney: “Chris and Roy are the perfect modern day creatives. They think like planners, execute like rockstars and make ideas that resonate in culture. Their track record speaks for itself and we’re really excited to have them at Clems. One month in and we are already feeling their impact.”
Outside of advertising, copywriter Leibowitz and art director Wilson both like to collect steel frame touring bicycles. They’re planning on buying a tandem so they can get into the office together when lockdown ends.
Why do we persist with these collectively, together they have 20 years, 50 years? 10 years experience each does not equate to ‘decades’. It’s still 10 years, each, in reality.
Missing you talented mutants already.
Nice one, mate – you’ve come a long way since being dressed up as the Mummy 😉
Female CDs
A great way to diminish these peoples’ achievements who just happen to have a 1 in 2 chance of being a dude.
Well done legends x
A couple of beautiful and talented people right there. Congrats.
Two talented creatives right there! Excited to see what they do at Clems.
Their first two albums were great.
Big fan.
Congrats to the baddest boiz in the biz! Can’t wait to see what you’ll do
Onya lads. Big win for Clems, keen to see what they can do
Huzzzah!!!! Well done you talented chaps!
Another two messiahs trumpeted as saviours of Clemenger Sydney, yet in my observation is that no matter who gets drafted to ‘turn the place around’ nothing changes.
Maybe you could come in and save them… I’m sure your career is going gangbusters at the moment. Maybe they could just use you for a Second Opinion?
Sorry, but where does it actually say they’re males?
Wow, got them both in this time! “Snared” in the headline, and “lured” in the subhead. Usually it’s one or the other.
Also managed “perfect modern day creatives” and “track record speaks for itself”, however must take a minor point off due to the absence of a “can’t wait to get stuck in” quote.
Why are you such a prick? Is it your advanced age?
So you make a team ‘redundant’ and then wheel in a new team of the same level the following week.
Yeah, nah.
Congrats you beautiful bastards.
Sorry you got let go. Didn’t know a CD team had been made redundant.
To Chris and Roy, well done, you’ll kill it.
Making one team redundant and bringing in more creatives, let alone a new team is surely a no no. If it were me I’d looking into that.
A team cannot save a whole agency, unless that team is given the top, top position. Good luck you lovely gentlemen, please remember there’s an industry out there waiting to welcome you back if things don’t work out.
That slug deserves its own press release. nice one fellas
The best! Looking forward to seeing what’s next!
A great team can, let’s give them a chance. Good luck fella’s.
Cherubic photo. Talented little angles.
Oh please. When the management can’t get out of a team’s way, then there’s no hope for anyone.
OK Ad land heres some simple math. You don’t get to combine your knowledge in years. Here’s why. Imagine you hired 10 creatives in one bundle which tallied 15 years each of working in Ad land. That would be 150 years of advertising experience. Basically longer than advertising has effectively even existed. What you would be getting in reality is 10 guys that have worked in Ad land for roughly 15 years each, seeing the same trends, with similar demographics. Simple. Stop inflating the PR BS.
I miss that slug already…oh yeah and you too Roy, don’t worry. But mostly Chris’ slug.