Can New Yorkers solve the Underground Puzzle?


JLimage1low-res.jpgJohannes Leonardo, New York – co-owned by Aussie expat Leo Premutico – has launched Underground Puzzle  – a 40-piece puzzle that comes together to reveal a branded image that would never be allowed to appear in traditional advertising.

Each piece of the puzzle is printed on one of 40 unique posters found in New York City subway stations throughout downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn, including a photographic instruction icon and the hash tag: #Undergroundpuzzle – where instructions, clues and updates will be available on the Twitter stream throughout the campaign.

Title: Underground Puzzle

Client: Undisclosed

Agency: Johannes Leonardo, New York

CCO/ECD: Jan Jacobs

CCO/ECD: Leo Premutico

Art Director/Designer: Ferdinando Verderi

Art Director/Designer: Emmie Nostitz

Agency Producer: Matthew Mattingly

Agency Producer: Frederique Nahmani

Photographer: Tom Hines

Post Production: Tom Hines Photography

Production Design: Jesse Kaufman

Stylist: Anna Maria

Hair: Kayla MiChele