Cadbury Favourites chocolates provides the perfect solution to an age old dilemma in new TVC via George Patterson Y&R Melbourne
Cadbury Favourites chocolates will unveil a new campaign on Sunday night that aims to solve the age old dilemma of what to bring to a social get-together when the host says “don’t bring a thing.”
The new “What to bring when you’re told not to bring a thing” TVC features an Australian family searching for the perfect solution when faced with this very predicament. In a dream sequence, dad first imagines arriving at the gathering with a ridiculously large croquembouche – too difficult. They then struggle to keep a 30L jelly castle standing while making their grand entrance.
Next, dad envisages bringing the Chinese delicacy chicken feet – notquite the perfect item to share with everyone. With his imaginationstill running wild, he then appears with a whole side of lamb swungover his shoulder looking for a big enough BBQ. Mum finally comes tothe rescue and brings along the winning selection, a box of CadburyFavourites chocolates for all to share and enjoy!
According to Carla Filia, senior brand manager for Everyday GiftingKraft Foods Australia/New Zealand, it’s a fun campaign that aims toposition Cadbury Favourites chocolates firmly in the heart of happyget-togethers with family and friends.
Filia says: “We can all relate to the anguish of being told not tobring a thing to a social get-together when of course, we all knowthat ‘don’t bring a thing’ really means, ‘don’t show up empty-handed'”Cadbury Favourites chocolates are the ideal ‘take to share’ item -there is something for everyone, from your Cherry Ripe chocolate fansto your Turkish Delight lovers you’ve got everyone’s taste covered. Thenew campaign reinforces this product truth and also has some fun withthe etiquette around casual social gatherings.”
The advertising campaign was developed by the team at George PattersonY&R Melbourne. creative director, Jim Ingram says of the newcampaign: “We’re excited about this campaign because it’s born from agood old fashioned advertising line. We found a real product truth andlinked it to a genuine human insight – a simple principal really. It’show they used to do it back in the 80s and when it works, it works atreat. And if research groups are anything to go by, you know you’reonto a winner when they’re dominated by groups of women sitting aroundsaying to each other ‘Oh my God, I totally do that!’.”
The media plan, developed by Carat will encompass television, online,radio and outdoor as well as roving billboards targeted at high trafficsporting events.
Campaign Credits:
Client: Cadbury Favourites
Category Head, Gifting: Shaun Peverill
Senior Brand Manager: Carla Filia
Assistant Brand Manager: Maria Hadjis
Advertising Agency: George Patterson Y&R Melbourne
Director: Colin Skyba
Producer: Carolyn Starkey
DOP: Danny Ruhlmann
Executive Creative Director: Ben Coulson
Creative Directors: Jim Ingram & Ben Couzens
Agency Producer: Romanca Jasinski
Group Account Director: Michael Napolitano
Account Director: Sally Kingi
Media: Carat
Group Business Director: Catherine Krantz
Business Manager: Catherine Kealy
Public Relations: Liquid Ideas
Account Director: Tegan Flanagan
Senior Account Executive: Louise Tran
I love the strategy.
I also reccomended bringing a slab of beer, just in case.
Straddles the dotted white line perfectly.
Nothing to like. Nothing at all.
Thank God for that. I was wondering when Patts would start to produce crap like the rest of us.
I actually quite like the spot. Sorry haters.
Sure, not great but a solid effort nonetheless. Dumb idea to put the dad and the kid in the same shirt though – stinks of ‘quirky’ director not being appropriately put back in his box by the creative team.
Wish someone would turn up at my BBQ with a lamb carcass.
1:15 you’ve got your eye on the minutae, the microscopic details of execution which identify you as a lightweight – probably a juniorish art director. It’s no wonder you can’t see the big picture, or offer an insightful comment. Try to develop an ability to cut through the details so that you’re able to analyse what an ad is really about. Then you might also be able to do one without having to rely on someone more competent – like a writer – to provide the idea for you.
It’s a pretty good ad. It’s a great end line and strategy.
It will position Favorites beautifully.
If that is Patts doing a bad job, they are obviously very good.
Bang on for a brand like Favourites. Client should be happy because this will move units. Punters will be happy because it’s better than 99% of the other ads they’ll see tonight. Nice.
Is there nothing Dan Beaumont cannot do?
hahahaha Dad’s are such idiots.. especially when they appear to be half the age of the mum.
Ps. Nice lingo Jim.
Having an eye for detail is a ‘junior art director’ thing? i don’t think so – crafting is what elevates an ad from good to great.
Except sadly, this one wasn’t any good to begin with so it doesn’t matter really.
I’ve always found that female talent hot. Wanted to cast her for something but never had the opportunity. You should feel grateful you had the chance to work with her.
Patts are a great agency, but doesn’t feel like they’ve ever really cracked it with Cadburys. That sitcom stuff for Boost was awful too.
Scores a perfect 10 on the gag-o-meter
Nice strategy.
Good idea.
Shiteful execution.
Hey 1.15. I’ve got some advice for you. Learn to spell.
Camp. Plays like a skit from The Comedy Company.
Nice idea. Nice strategy. Nice truth. Job done.
Lame idea + badly directed = just plain bad.
Sorry boys. You probably had to jump through hoops just to get the idea up.
Very funny and I’ve got to get one of those shirts.
Awsome strategy. but ad potentially could of been hilarious. But I’m sure the client dulled it down completely.
Great writing, great talent, entertaining. Better than most of the stuff that passes as comedy. Should sell truckloads of chocolate.
It’s a very middle of the road treatment, but Jim’s got it right – a great insight and a good line. This is a very campaignable idea and we can only hope it gets more adventurous treatment-wise over the coming years, if it’s allowed to run and run and run as it should.
reminds me of something my namesake did in the early 90’s
Such a shame it was poorly casted / directed. Would have been a great script.
” And if research groups are anything to go by, you know you’re onto a winner when they’re dominated by groups of women sitting around saying to each other ‘Oh my God, I totally do that!'”
Oh dear.
Saw this last night on telly and I laughed. Much better than the boring product shots you get in this category.
Cute kid! Love the matching father/son shirts! The ad put a smile on my face.
OMFG! I HATE this ad!
Love this ad. Hilarious!
Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
Stephen Leacock
Who is the female talent? She is hot!!