Bonds, Bras N Things + Jockey encourage Aussies to ‘Take On Cancer In Your Undies’ for Ovarian Cancer Australia in new campaign via Special
UPDATED TO INCLUDE NEW TVC: Ovarian Cancer Australia (OCA) has teamed up with Hanes (Bonds, Bras N Things and Jockey) and Coles to reveal their bold new campaign, ‘Take on Cancer In Your Undies’, developed in collaboration with Special Australia.
The campaign brings women who have been affected directly by ovarian cancer to the forefront, including Emma Fitzgerald, who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2020 at the age of 26.
The campaign will also provide tangible support for women with ovarian cancer, with Hanes donating 100% of profits, up to $300,000, from the sale of the teal underwear to OCA. ‘Take on Cancer in Your Undies’ teal underwear will be sold online and in-store by Bonds and Jockey, online by Bras N Things and for the first time, there will also be an exclusive Bonds range available at 630 Coles supermarkets across Australia.
Fitzgerald said she hopes the campaign will help to raise much needed awareness about the deadly disease: “When I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, I was in a state of pure shock. I was young and healthy and it’s not something that I ever thought about as a possibility. There’s so little awareness and information out there, I’d never even heard of the illness before I was diagnosed.
“It’s incredibly daunting to be a part of a big campaign like this, however, I know that it’s so important for women like me to be represented in this way. I want to be a part of pushing this conversation forward, however scary that may be.”
Ovarian cancer is Australia’s deadliest female cancer, with a five-year survival rate of just 48%. In comparison, the five-year survival rate for women with breast cancer is 92%.
OCA advocates for women with ovarian cancer, fighting for more awareness, better treatment options and more research funding. The Not-For-Profit also delivers essential psychosocial services, including the provision of specialist ovarian cancer nurse consultants to support women through diagnosis, treatment and beyond.
Says Fitzgerald: “Ovarian Cancer Australia has provided me with such unwavering support since my diagnosis. I, like so many others, have relied on them heavily for guidance, reassurance and comfort in the most difficult time of my life. Anything we can do to raise funds or awareness for this organisation is incredibly important.”
Television presenter, Nicky Buckley, who lost her mother to ovarian cancer in 2005, musician and women’s health advocate Kee’han, wellness influencer, Sarah Davidson (Spoonful of Sarah), and model and OCA supporter Yasith, also join Fitzgerald in the diverse new campaign.
CEO of Ovarian Cancer Australia, Jane Hill, says buying the teal underwear is an easy way for Australians to support women with ovarian cancer: “With the Bonds teal undies now available in Coles stores, we are looking to double the funds raised last year with the goal of having twice as many women access a specialist ovarian cancer support nurse.”
The partnership with Hanes and OCA is an important opportunity to raise the profile of ovarian cancer on a broader scale.
Says Emily Small, general manager Brands, Hanes Australasia: “We are proud advocates for Ovarian Cancer Australia and their plight to raise awareness of this devastating disease. From the sale of our teal undie range, we are donating 100% of profits to help fund specialist nursing support and assist with keeping ovarian cancer at the forefront of national attention to encourage women to learn about the risks and symptoms and seek medical advice early.”
The exclusive range of teal undies are available in Hanes stores and online from April 19 and in Coles from April 20.
OCA is encouraging Aussies to get their teal undies in time for World Ovarian Cancer Day on Sunday May 08.

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