Bisley Workwear launches women’s workwear campaign with OPTIKA and Milos Mlynarik

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‘Hard work has no gender’ is the bold tagline spearheading the launch of Bisley’s new women’s workwear range.


This range has been created following Bisley Workwear’s ongoing industry research that revealed female tradies may be putting themselves in danger outside the worksite due to a lack or protective clothing options available to them.

When wearing ill-fitting workwear, female tradies have reported that they are more likely to feel more self-conscious (45%), feel like they don’t belong (20%), and feel like they can’t work as hard as they want to (33%).

Bisley Workwear consulted with five Australian female tradies who were able to advise on the real practicalities of women’s needs on the jobsite. The same five women we’re invited to star in the campaign shoot and launch.

The campaign was shot on real worksites in real working conditions. Photographer Milos Mlynarik captured the women in the workwear with a sense of strength and beauty, focusing on each personality and their individual trade. The video campaign was directed by James Tyrrell and all production handled by OPTIKA.

One of the tradies is Aimee Stanton. Aimee said: “It was brilliant to be involved in the design process; from being able to voice my frustrations with existing workwear options, right the way through to roadtesting the range!

Bisley Marketing Manager, Toni Westlake stated: “I am so proud of what we achieved with Opitka and Milos Mlynarik on the Bisley Workwear Women’s campaign. It was the result of an incredible experience with some exceptional tradeswomen. From the very beginning, our female tradies were integral to the process. They worked with us on design and feedback, and also helped us bring the
campaign to life by advising on their projects, their tools, and their roles in the trades. We wanted to achieve an authentic representation of five real tradies, and I’m delighted with the determination, perseverance, and authority we were able to capture.”

The campaign is set to roll out across social, online, out of home, point of sale, and print.

Bisley Marketing Manager: Toni Westlake
Production: Optika
EP / Director: James Tyrrell
Producer: Belle Oliva
Photographer: Milos Mlynarik
Digi Op: David Rex
Cinematographer: Jess Hayhow
Art Dept: William Fargas
Hair & Makeup: Ryan Farrajota
Talent & Wardrobe: Isabelle Miranda

Bisley Workwear launches women’s workwear campaign with OPTIKA and Milos Mlynarik