beyondblue says ‘know when anxiety is talking’ in new work via Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne
Clemenger BBDO Melbourne and beyondblue are encouraging Australians to ‘Know When Anxiety is Talking’ in the agency’s first piece of work since winning a place on the mental health organisation’s roster.
Timed to coincide with World Mental Health Day, the campaign launches the ‘Know When Anxiety is Talking’ platform which aims to raise awareness of anxiety in the community, and help those experiencing symptoms to better understand anxiety and seek support.
The campaign launches with a piece of film directed by Glendyn Ivin, titled Catch Up, which has been crafted to drive self-reflection among those experiencing an anxiety condition and empathy across the wider community, with the campaign extending across TV, radio, social content and out of home communications.
Says Matt Pearce, planning director, Clemenger BBDO Melbourne: “We all get stressed from time to time. That’s a part of life. But anxiety is not stress, despite them often being lumped together. Strategically we had to find a way to separate anxiety from the individual and showcase what makes it distinct from a common stress response.”
‘Know when anxiety is talking’ is a long-term platform that will roll out for beyondblue over the next three and a half years.
Says Georgie Harman, CEO, beyondblue: “Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia affecting two million people in any given year – twice as many as depression. It affects one in four Australians in their lifetime, yet a third of those take a year to recognize their symptoms. One in six take six years or more.
“beyondblue is dedicated to helping all Australians achieve their best possible mental health and raising public awareness of anxiety is a major focus of our work.”
“We’ve made great strides in educating Australia about depression, yet anxiety remains widely misunderstood. It is a serious and common mental health condition, but the good news is there’s hope and treatments that work.”
“We commissioned the team at Clemenger BBDO to help people recognise the symptoms of anxiety and reflect on whether they might experience it, ultimately driving change into the future.”
Says Luke Thompson and Rohan Lancaster, creative directors, Clemenger BBDO Melbourne: “It’s pretty remarkable that people can live with anxiety for years before they recognise its symptoms. The tendency is for them to believe it’s just stress. The campaign is designed to help people recognise the symptoms and start dealing with the issue earlier.”
Agency: Clemenger BBDO Melbourne
Creative Chairman: James McGrath
Creative Directors: Luke Thompson, Rohan Lancaster
Senior Creatives: Ray Ali, Carlo Mazzarella
Executive Producer: Sonia von Bibra
Producer: Amalia Makris
Group Account Director: AJ Coyne
Business Director: Claire Minns
Project Director: Atlanta Panton
Project Manager: Kenyon Marais
Planning Director: Matt Pearce
Production Company: Exit Films
Director: Glendyn Ivin
Executive Producer: Kat Latour
Producer: Karen Sproul
DOP: Sam Chiplin
Casting: Alison Telford Casting
Production Designer: Jackson Dickie
Editor: The Butchery
Post-Producer: Freya Maddock
Offline Editor: Jo Scott
Post Production: The Refinery
Colourist: Martin Greer
Online: Chris Reynolds
Sound: Flagstaff Studios
Sound Engineer: Paul Le Couteur
Sound Producer: Ceri Davies
Client: beyondblue
General Manager Marketing, Communications and Fundraising: Nadean Weller
Integrated Marketing Manager: Lana Burton
Marketing and Communications Advisor: Tash Darrigan
Project Manager: Dr Luke Martin
I absolutely love this. Perfectly captured. So true. Well done.
Brilliant. Nails exactly what it feels like. Well done all.
But so good. This is absolutely spot on.
This is a really simple but well executed idea. I haven’t seen anyone do anxiety or other mental issues as well before. Good work. Good cause.
Encapsulates Anxiety to the T. Amazing work Beyond Blue/Clemenger.
Couldn’t agree with everyone else more… So good. So real. So true. It made me realise I have heard that voice many a time…
just my opinion but give me TV Land anxiety over the diagnosed anxiety/panic disorder I have any day of the week.
Experience says, this nails it. Perfect scripting and casting.
Brilliant work guys. Right in the feels.
Important issue well reflected here.
Great work team.
Resonated with this immediately, especially at the end. Fantastic work to the team down there
Nice job Carlo.
Spot on.
If this is resonating so strongly with you, you need to see somebody.
Seriously, I’m not kidding. That’s some fucked up self loathing shit going on right there.
Doesn’t resonate with me at all, but then I’m clearly not the target market. Seems like Clems have created something exceptional though. Again.
This is a great ad, congratulations to everyone credited. Oh and Carlo too. He should get special mention over everyone else.
Great work, Ray and Carlo.
This really helps people understand. Nice one
Creative, planner, suit….someone (probably many) who worked on this campaign have experienced this crippling feeling. Gave me flashbacks to a time I have now overcome, but at the time thought was something I had and would always live with. Really captures it. Well done!
There is much more to making a good ad than having a half baked idea.
We all know that the only people complimenting specific people in blog comments, are those trying to validate their contribution or self promote. It’s obvious, immature, unprofessional and frankly disrespectful to all of those who contributed.
Word of advice to anyone temped to do the same, firstly compliment all of those credited and unless the article specifies you as having a lead role then don’t call yourself out.
The worst is when this happens in a client meeting in the middle of presenting but there’s no nice lady to walk in and interrupt your mind going bananas.
The team aside, this actor should be up for an award himself. Nailed it.
The dramatised situation seems very narrow.
And before the critics play the ‘being too literal’ card, think about the number of non white colour people who also suffer anxiety and if this speaks effectivey to them.
As an anxiety sufferer I really really hate this.
It is a complete over-simplication of a very debilitating illness.
All the posi comments are obviously mates with the agency/creatives.
This p.o.s warrants no patting on the back.
Maybe check out the beyond blue Facebook page where it also seems to be getting a lot of ‘posi’ comments from other sufferers of anxiety. One ad can’t please everyone but beyond blue seem to be trying to bring awareness to this issue. Hope you’re getting help for yours mate and wish you well.
A creative complimenting 2 creatives he is friends with on a execution isn’t an attack on the team. In fact, it’s a compliment to us all. And that’s coming from someone who worked on this campaign non-creatively.
@Joe Sibley – we miss u
Ok sure. Sorry for offending you.
It is a very pretty ad and the acting is very good.
Being single minded in ad land is important but being reductive when it comes to a very serious illness that affects 1 in 4 Australians is problematic.
Sorry just doesn’t do it for me. :/
This is fantastic.
Lovely spot. Well done to all involved.
Great ad! Just out of interest, is that Lee Richards playing the role of the interviewer?
When faced with psychopathic/bully/ narcissistic management style on a daily basis , it becomes normal to think as the actor does. When your mental health is compromised anxiety is very normal.
So every woman awaiting an audition with Harvey Weinstein would be diagnosed with anxiety disorder?.
Great ad! Just out of interest, is that Lee Richards playing the role of the interviewer?
IMHO and also the friends that were with me who read the posters know when anxiety is talking, placed en masse in the local clubs toilets, weren’t impressed. It plays with your head. Bringing it up to susceptible people and labeling it doesnt help but just reminds. Something to help or encouragement to those it might effect negatively