Beyond the Title – the podcast that has ad agencies buzzing

Beyond the Title – the podcast that has ad agencies buzzing

“Beyond the Title” isn’t just another podcast; it’s igniting discussions in advertising agencies and changing the way people in the industry connect. The best part? It’s only just scratching the surface.


To date, Beyond the Title, created and hosted by art director Brittany Benitez, has introduced a vibrant cast of characters and hearing tales from a Clown School Graduate, laughed with a stand-up comedian, reminisced with an ex-reality Big Brother star, chatted to a Norwegian fisherman, and there are still countless stories yet to be unveiled in Season 4.

Beyond the Title’s catalogue includes industry legends from renowned agencies such as The Monkeys, Ogilvy, Special Group, and DDB. The line-up includes some familiar faces such as Thinkerbell’s Adam Ferrier, The Monkeys’ Belinda Drew, Spark Foundry’s Imogen Hewitt, Dentsu Creative’s Graham Alvarez-Jarratt and CHEP Network’s Gavin McLeod.

With over 2,500 streams and over 8,000 impressions, Beyond the Title’s community has connected members like Ogilvy’s Liana Rossi and TBWA\Australia’s Benjamin Trini, who share heart-warming tales of Italian family traditions. Meanwhile, The Monkeys’ team has ventured into some hilarious fantasies at the pub, contemplating how they’d like to be cooked if they were potatoes, all thanks to the wit and charm of Katie Kidd.

The response from the podcast’s listeners and supporters has been nothing short of amazing:

“I was an avid listener before the invitation to be a guest. The future of the industry is safe, knowing there is rising creative talent like Brittany. ‘Beyond the Title’ breaks preconceived superficial stereotypes that exist from titles with a space that cultivates a connection and comradery for the industry, no matter who you work for.” – Belinda Drew, chief client officer at The Monkeys, part of Accenture Song.

“I’m a big fan of BTT. The short, snappy format and Brittany’s thought-provoking questions mean it’s always an entertaining listen.” – Paul Swann, executive creative tinker at Thinkerbell.

“At a time when A.I. has the creative industries running for the hills, ‘Beyond the Title’ reminds us that the most vital ingredient for creativity is humanity.” – Robert Gooden, senior copywriter at Anomaly New York.

‘Brittany’s ‘BTT’ is a degustation of the humanity of our industry: diverse, entertaining, and filled with surprising gems.” – Esther Clerehan.

“Beyond the Title” itself is just a great idea. A platform that goes to the core of what ad people are, which is infinitely more than just the advertising we make. It’s also a space to talk openly about anything and everything and for others to listen and find kinship and comradery. Entertaining and important”. – Piero Ruzzene, creative director at Saatchi & Saatchi Australia.

For anyone in the industry who is interested in being part of the podcast, please contact Brittany –

Listen to the catalogue and follow on Instagram to keep up to date with who’s next.