Belgiovane, Condie and Popek head to Brisbane
UPDATED: BWM executive CD Rob Belgiovane, Wonder CD Glen Condie and Wonder MD Adrian Popek are heading to Brisbane only to have to cycle 1138kms back to Sydney in this year’s Tour Duchenne.
The Tour Duchenne (organised by Condie) is an annual cycling tour that raises money and awareness for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. In 2009 Condie, Rob Martin-Murphy (then Furnace CD) and 23 other riders cycled from Sydney to Melbourne and in the process raised $800K. This year with legs from Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide all finishing in Sydney the Tour Duchenne aims to raise more than $1M in partnership with the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation of Australia.
And they need riders. If you have ten days free in September, are upfor a challenge and would like to participate you can find out more at
Onhis new recruits Condie says: “Poey is a pretty good mate and he wasalways up for it this year after helping me out fundraising last year.Then when Rob Martin Murphy headed off to Europe there was a hole for abald bloke named Rob so Belg was the obvious target and in actual facthe took very little convincing.
“Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy isan insidious disease that basically eats little boys muscles away. Mostof them are in wheelchairs by the time they hit their teens and manynever live to see their twenties. Whilst riding this far hurts likehell its nothing compared to what these little blokes endure everyday.
“If you can’t participate in the ride then please, please, please sponsor one of us. You can do this via and click through to sponsor a rider. I can’t tell you how much we, the kids and their families appreciate it.”
Nice one! Best of luck and hope everything goes well
Well done guys it is such a great cause that you’re supporting. Good luck with the ride.
Wishing you all a very successful ride…Take care and Good luck
Great effort for a great cause, all the best.
The effort you put in amazes me Condor. Go get em.
Not sure who originally wrote this article, however you should get your facts straight. The Tour Duchenne has not been organised by Glen Condie. It is the brains and inspiration of Julian Thompson, whose son James was diagnosed with DMD in 2006.
I know the families of two of the kids this ride is for and my sons have grown up with them. We have seen the impact DMD has had on them and yet how they turn up to school smiling and just being boys every single day. These guys are doing something awesome. Good luck and safe riding.