Bakers Delight takes on supermarkets once again in latest ‘Keep it Real’ campaign via HERO


What’s really in the bread sold on shelves? According to ingredient lists on supermarket aisle loaves, Australia’s bread makers are pumping up to 20+ ingredients into what should be a simple recipe made around the world for centuries, to extend shelf life whilst compromising on quality.


Aiming to set itself apart from the supermarket duopoly, Bakers Delight continues to build on its challenger ‘Keep it Real’ brand platform launched in 2022, with a new campaign via independent agency HERO focused on its Hi-Fibre Lo-GI Wholemeal and White range.

Live nationwide from today, the bold campaign highlights Bakers Delight’s commitment to keeping it real – no gimmicks or tricks, just real fresh tasty bread. ‘Keep it Real’ positions Bakers Delight as a straight-talking saviour from FMCG, with this new campaign marking the evolution of the three-year-old platform questioning the laundry list of ingredients being baked into supermarket aisle loaves.

Says Jodi Murray-Freedman, director of marketing, Bakers Delight: “At Bakers Delight, what you see is what you get. We proudly use real ingredients and bake our bread fresh everyday in Australian family owned bakeries across the country. This has manifested into the raw and honest approach that’s now strongly baked into the essence of our brand communications.”

Says Shane Geffen, executive creative director at HERO: “Last year, we exposed a little known secret kept hidden behind supermarket doors – their bakeries heat up frozen loaves and put them on shelf as freshly baked. This time, we’re making another purposely provocative statement pitting David (Bakers Delight) against two supermarket Goliaths. And getting more Australian shoppers to collectively say, Really?”.

The campaign has launched nationwide, spanning across TV, BVOD, radio, OOH, social and digital.

Client – Bakers Delight
Director of Marketing: Jodi Murray-Freedman
Head of Campaigns: Philippa Gledhill
Product Development & Bakery Support Manager: Luke Farrell

Agency – HERO
Executive Creative Director: Shane Geffen
Creative Director: Andrew Woodhead
Associate Creative Director: Lee Phillips
Art Director: Charlotte Smith
Copywriter: Annie Nash
General Manager: Richard Hayes
Senior Account Director: Siobhan Gilchrist
National Head of Production: Roz Scrimshaw

Production Company – Collider
Director:  Dylan Duclos
Executive Producer:  Olivia Hantken
Producer:  Annie Schutt
DOP:  Max Walter
3D Design and Animation: Collider Studio
Sound Production – Bang Bang
Engineer: Sam Hopgood
Post Production – Crayon