Award-winning Australian short documentary ‘Rear View Mirror’ set in Andamooka launches

After garnering extensive recognition in international film festivals from Europe to the USA, the remarkable Australian-made documentary Rear View Mirror launches to the public.
Rear View Mirror is the first documentary and creative partnership between Flint portrait and documentary photographer/director Jonathan May, and writer/artist Liza Boston.
Visually breathtaking, Rear View Mirror tells the story of Ingo Hansen who returns to the town where he grew up, struggling with his health and searching for answers. At a crossroads in his life, he seeks comfort in reminiscing about the impact of the harsh landscapes and crazy adventures he had in Andamooka – one of the most remote places in South Australia. Ingo soon realises that the thriving outback town he once loved is now bleak and it mercilessly parallels his own impermanence; the harsh winds of life blow not just on the desert but also inside his heart. In its glory days Andamooka had over 3000 residents, but now the opal has dried up and has a total population of 316.
It takes a certain type of person to love a place like this, with the isolation and the desolation. Walking through the cemetery, Ingo reflects on the grim truths of his reality, and how strange it is to know everybody that lies beneath him in the dust. As in life, both the once beautiful landscape and the once promising future he faced are slowly fading away and the story is unforgiving.
Says May: “Andamooka is such fascinating and inspiring place, it is visually so striking and unique. While Ingo is the protagonist, I really wanted the intense landscapes to compete with him, and hope I did the place justice.”
May also captured stills on his journey and was a finalist in the Australia and New Zealand photobook awards. Some of the stills can be seen below.
Documentary, film, art and story lovers can view Rear View Mirror here.

please define “garnering extensive recognition in international film festivals from Europe to the USA,”……….
I couldnt get past 6 minutes. This is the most superficially created “film: / video that I’ve seen in a long time. Other than poorly executed thin non existent plot lines and aeccdotes that refuse to lead anywhere, this video is nothing other than a piece of marketing. this is a promo piece an dim sorry but the title of ‘director’ needs to be more accountable these days. When will we stop considering superficial hollow videography and forced portraiture film. Put the 5d away and go back to making stills please.
… well, well, well..
……about this is so over cooked. Why is there a red light in the cars cabin ? Please stop with all this regurgitated over-art directed nonsense.
Wow. Some people need to get a life… what have you made lately? Fuck all most likely.
I enjoyed it. A little long but nicely done. thanks for sharing.