Simon Gibson named top student at AWARD School Sydney graduation at The Loft
Last night marked the Student Graduation of the 28th year of AWARD School, sponsored by Google and held at The Loft, Sydney.
The award for top AWARD School student in Sydney went to Simon Gibson. Second place went to Luke Chard, while Kate Holdsworth placed third. Michael Ashton, Edwin Kua Woon Chiun, Kim Davies, Toby Fisher, Sam Holt, Robert Johnson and Brad Jones took out the 4th to the 10th place.
Sydney AWARD School 2011 received close to 300 applications, with a 100 students graduating from the program.
Having spent 16 weeks learning to offer creative solutions to product challenges, to craft ideas and understand how creativity feeds popular culture, graduates now have a body of work they can present to prospective employers.
Hosted by AWARD Chairman, Craig Davis and AWARD School co-heads Dustin Lane and Adrian McNamara, the evening saw creatives, students, tutors, guest speakers and media come together to welcome the next generation of creative talent and enjoy an exhibition of students’ top work.
AWARD Chairman Craig Davis (left) thanked gold sponsor Google, as well as FSM. He extended a special thank you to the school heads for their dedication to AWARD School and said “dedicating your to run this program is a real act of generosity and sacrifice.”
He went on to congratulate the students and said it was an opportune time for them to enter the industry as “Creativity is more relevant, potent and powerful than ever before, and more valued by clients and business.”
Adds Daniel Leesong, CEO The Communications Council: “Thank you to all those guest speakers, school heads, tutors and judges that worked tirelessly to guide this year’s graduates on their path to creative enlightenment. Well done to those students for their commitment over the past 16 weeks. We look forward to following your progress as you venture into the world of commercial creativity. “
The judging panel responsible for selection of the top students and the ‘work on the wall’ included: Ben O’Brien- Kastner & Partners, Shane Bradnick – BMF, Gavin McLeod – Integer/ TBWA, Luke Chess – Clemenger BBDO, Graham Johnson- M&C Saatchi, Richard Morgan – Holler, Julian Watt- GPY&R.
AWARD School wishes to thank the following guest speakers: Ray Black; Chris Polites- Google; Simon Veksner- DDB; Warren Brown – BMF, Pete Buckley & Tim Brown – Disciple; Ralph Van Dijk -Eardrum; Julian Watt -GPY&R; Ben O’Brien- Kastner & Partners -Chris James, Ogilvy; Steve Coll – Euro RSCG; Richard Morgan -Holler.
AWARD also wishes to thank the following agencies for their involvement in tutoring in New South Wales: 12 Below, 303, BMF, Bondi Advertising, BWM, Clemenger BBDO, DDB, Draft FCB, Droga5, Innocean, JWT, Kastner & Partners, M&C Saatchi, Momentum, Moon Group, Saatchi & Saatchi, The Works and Whybin TBWA.
Google AWARD School will host its Melbourne Graduation party tomorrow night August 11th, Brisbane’s graduation is scheduled for Tuesday the 16th August, and Adelaide, Perth and Hobart are set for Thursday the 18th of August.
For further information, including registration for the 2011 program, contact Tesha Jones.
Big E and Braddles. Absolute champs.
Simon and Brock Rodwell news in the same week. I’m seeing stars!
Simon Gibson is a total legend, really talented and really lovely to deal with. I look forward to working for him someday soon
Well done old bean!
I’m still feeling a little tipsy from the party… Hic!
Congrats Toby!
Pretty sure Anonymous at 1:47pm is Sam Holt
Nice one Chardy
No personal thank you to the tutors? The one’s who gave up two hours a week for 16 weeks plus God knows how much time in the hectic last fortnight.
Fuck you AWARD School. Fuck. You.
Pretty sure Anonymous at 2.31pm is AWARD School tutor
also sure 2.31pm didn’t read this paragraph:
AWARD also wishes to thank the following agencies for their involvement in tutoring in New South Wales: 12 Below, 303, BMF, Bondi Advertising, BWM, Clemenger BBDO, DDB, Draft FCB, Droga5, Innocean, JWT, Kastner & Partners, M&C Saatchi, Momentum, Moon Group, Saatchi & Saatchi, The Works and Whybin TBWA
Well done everyone. And good luck with finding a job.
Looks like 2.31 is back from his wander round the streets of London.
I heard the industry turnout last night was at an all-time low. And there was no Top 30 extra experience program, yet the cost is the same as other years.
AWARD School needs an overhaul, people. This is the future of our industry and it seems like we’re too lazy/greedy/disinterested to properly invest in it. Sure, being a c*nt on Campaign Brief and bitching about everything is really quite cathartic (‘lo and behold) but surely we’ve got more in us than that.
I guess I just look at other countries (New Zealand included) and see how much further ahead they are in terms of training and moulding creatives and see a distinct lack of enthusiasm here.
Chardy you legend. You’re gonna go far my friend.
No 2:58, 2:31 did read that paragraph.
That was what prompted the response.
They individually thank the lecturers who do one talk. What’s that? A couple of hours prep work and an hour or two to deliver it?
And the judges don’t “work tirelessly”. They give one evening, drink some free piss, pontificate and fuck off.
I’m not saying they shouldn’t be thanked, I’m just saying if you’re going to single them out, what about the guys who give up 16 nights and countless other hours.
Credit where it’s due. That’s all I’m saying.
BOOM! Yeah Simonè…well deserved. See you at the top big dog!
I’ve lectured and I’ve tutored, and let me tell you tutoring requires 10000000000% more effort than lecturing.
Hats off to all the tutors, and yes, they should be publicly thanked by name.
Awesome work Kate, you rock 😀
I work with Luke Chard
I heard Luke Chard has been asked to tutor next year. Can someone confirm this?
Totally agree it needs an overhaul. And tutors should receive something for giving up their time for free – how about a ticket to Award, or a copy of the Annual? Doesn’t take much to show a little appreciation, particularly with the huge amount of cash Award School must generate. Would love to know who’s pocket that goes into…
simmmmoonnnnssss you are my hero. Amazing.
It’s so frustrating to read when people suggest the money AWARD School makes is ‘going into someone’s pocket’.
Geezz.. it’s a non-profit organisation. Members can look at the books, if they could be bothered. It’s not some evil money-making criminal organisation.
No doubt AWARD School is one of the main income sources for the CC (along with AWARD entries).. but there are costs too.. staff wages, office rent.. expensive things.
is that confusing somehow?
Just why aren’t the tutors thanked by name?
Hi guys
The tutors were personally thanked on the night in front of 200+ people (contrary to what was suggested above, there was a record turn-out).
They got a ticket to day 1 of Circus to recognise their time and effort.
AWARD tutors are also personally recognised at the AWARD awards, the AWARD annual and the graduation night every year.
In case you missed it on the night or if you couldnt make it, these were the 2011 tutors:
Dylan Taylor- BMF
Tim Wood- BMF
Jun Harada- BMF
Carlo Mazzarella- BMF
James Pash- BMF
Mary Anne Plummer – BWM
Clive Blackstone – BWM
Mike O’Rourke – BWM
Tim Bloore – BWM
Ryan Albuino – Clemenger
Andrew Chu- Clemenger
Simon Edwards- Draftfbc
Steve Liu- Draftfbc
Josh Aitken- Draftfbc
Darren Borrino – 303
Matt Mortimer- 303
Stuart Turner- 303
Jenny Mak- Innocean
Lyndal Kearney- Innocean
Ash Hopper- JWT
Declan Byrne – JWT
Ben O.Brien – K & P
Len Williams- 12 below
Kirsty Galmes- Droga5
Alison Hingle – M&C SAATCHI
Katrina Mercer – Momentum
Jon Kelly – Momentum
Michael Pickering- Moon
Oliver Beeston – Moon
Iggy Rodriguez – Saatchi & Saatchi
Simon Jarosz – Saatchi & Saatchi
Kevin MacNamara – The Works
Stephen Engstrom – The Works
Will Clark- The Works
Nathan Bilton – The Works
Pete Galmes – Wtbwa
John Mckelvey- Wtbwa
Emily Manning- Wtbwa
Malcolm Caldwell- DDB
Ian Broekhuizen- DDB
Steve Thompson- Bondi Advertising
And we thank them.
If you have any feedback about how we can improve AWARD school feel free to come forward and give us a call or drop us an email.
Well done to all the above.
xxx 2:31
(not listed above, just appreciates their effort)
Go Kim.
I heard Luke Chard is bringing the Commonwealth Bank account back to our shores.
Not just in a list on a blog like that. Like really, really thank them. You know with a watch or something.
231 needs a big daddy hug. Watching my students improve over the course was enough reward for tutoring. Craig said thanks and your name was listed on screen What do want another little fucking trophy for your desk? Grow up and pull your fucking head in…
I’m sure i saw your name up there 2:31: You’re Terry Fuckwit from the Selfish Agency no?
Can it be an Anonymous email?
I heard Luke Chard has just taken over the global comms for the 2012 Olympics, can someone please confirm this?
Luke Chard just finished his 8th repetition of 160kg. That’s quite a lot of weight.
Ash Hooper rocks!
5:41 – The tutors eventually got listed, which was all I was asking for. Not a trophy or a watch or a hand job. As for growing up and pulling my fucking head in, I’ll take both suggestions under advisement.
Congrats to all the students. I didn’t mean to hijack their moment in the sun. I just know how hard the tutors worked and to see them be the only people not get listed flicked a switch.
To that end, I think it’s pretty obvious that a) I wasn’t at the Graduation and b) I’m not a tutor.
I think the thank you that both Craig and Dustin delivered was fine. Having my name read out specifically would have hardly made it more significant. After all, tutoring is something we do for the benefit of the students, rather than our own. Anyone who was unhappy with their level of recognition last Tuesday would do well to remember that.
Tim Wood
Associate Creative Director & Award School tutor.
5.41 if you’re commenting and you weren’t there then
you’re a fucking idiot for commenting in something you know fuck all about.
Funny how accurate your radio script was Simon
When Miami ad school hits Australia soon, they’re gonna wake up and improve AWARD school. Trust me, that school is global and killing it.
What about personal thank yous to EVERY SINGLE student who graduated.
We also put in hours or work and thousands of $$.
What is AWARD School without the students.
I think it’s worth remembering why award school was set up in the first place.
Not to make money but to bring new talent into the industry and provide
a level playing field for anyone from any background to have a go.
The money goes on lecture theatres and flying in the odd lecturer, office space etc.
The tutors do the tutorials because it’s a chance to give back and rewarding, not for ego or praise and were recognized throughout.
As for Miami ad school, sure it’s great if they’re here too.
If there were more courses we’d have more and better talent and possibly not
need to find it overseas.
Award school is a good thing and it’s support it’s needs
and critism, especially from fuckwits.
forget the bloody thank yous and congratulations, I want to know who’s responsible for using Comic Sans in that video?
Congratulations to all, was a great night.
Great work Siimon.
P.S. a very quick thank you to Vincent Connare.
Photos of the night ?
Congratulations Dan White.