AWARD School graduation in Singapore
AWARDSchool Singapore held their graduation this week with a function at theArtery Bar. Hosted by AWARD Committee member, Jagdish Ramakrishnan(pictured center), creative director of BBDO Singapore, the evening allowed the finest creatives, studentsand media to view an exhibition of students’ top work. The top AWARDSchool student in Singapore went to Shivram Gopinath (in picture toright), who will now go forward for international judging againststudents across Australasia. These winners will be announced in thecoming weeks. Second place went to Selwyn Low Wei Siong (pictured left)while Brendan Graham placed third.
The remaining top 11 include; Dunstan Lee Wei Xien, Muhammad Fadly BinRosman, Tan Zi Wei, Chia Mu Mao Kenneth Chia, Lee Ying Zhi , DevangiNakar, Danny Huang Weizhe and Kevin Poh.
The judging panel responsible for selection of the top students and the’work on the wall’ included: Sonal Dabral – Bates 141 Singapore;Ashidiq Ghazali – BBH; Stuart Mills – Ogilvy & Mather; JonathanMcKenzie – BBDO Singapore and Jon Loke – Saatchi & SaatchiSingapore.
AWARD wishes to thank the following agencies for their involvementin tutoring and or lecturing in Singapore: BBDO Singapore, BBH, Bates141, Dentsu, Young & Rubicam Singapore, Euro RSCG PartnershipSingapore, JWT Singapore, Leo Burnett Singapore, Ogilvy & MatherSingapore, Publicis Mojo Singapore, Saatchi & Saatchi Singapore,TBWA Singapore and The Talent Box. Special thanks to JagdishRamakrishnan – BBDO Singapore, and Linda Kuan for their help andsupport over the duration of the course.
For further information, including registration for the 2010 program,contact Hannah at AWARD on +61 2 9699 2999 or
Iggy? Is that you mate?
Nice work BG! Well done on taking 3rd.