Australia scores 3 Gold + 2 Silver in LIA’s Digital category; 4 Gold + 3 Silver in Use of Social Media & Influencers; 1 Bronze in Design

London International Awards (LIA) has announced the winners and finalists in the following categories: Design, Package Design, Digital and Use of Social Media & Influencers.
The Digital category saw AIRBAG score two Gold Statues and one Silver Statue for Honest Eggs Co. ‘FitChix’. Leo Burnett Australia won a Gold Statue for Diageo ‘Bundy Mixer’, whilst Ogilvy Australia scored a Silver Statue for AAMI ‘Fansurance’.
BMF Sydney scored two Gold Statues and two Silver Statues in Use of Social Media & Influencers category Australians for UNHCR ‘The Reluctant Shanty’. Howatson+Company scored two Gold Statues for ModiBodi ‘I’m Dying Inside’ and Thinkerbell scored a Silver for XXXX ‘XXXX Postcodes of Origin’.
In the Design category R/GA Australia scored one Bronze Statue for We Are Warriors.
The Design and Package Design jury was led by Jury President Marjorieth Sanmartin, Chief Creative Officer of Philipp und Keuntje and fischerAppelt.
Chris Garbutt, Chief Creative Officer at VICE Media Group and President at Virtue Worldwide, presided over the Digital and Use of Social Media & Influencers jury.
After a rigorous onsite judging process, the juries awarded 61 Statues in the Design category, nine Statues in the Package Design category, 59 Statues in the Digital category and 43 Statues in the Use of Social Media & Influencers category.
The Design category recognizes brilliance in visual identity, outstanding production values, and the beautiful execution of craft to help brands connect with people. After rounds of extensive evaluation, the jury celebrated outstanding work with a Grand LIA, 14 Gold, 21 Silver, and 25 Bronze Statues, along with commending 19 Finalists.
The highly coveted Grand LIA was awarded to Dentsu Inc. for its beautifully crafted campaign, “My Japan Railway”, designed for Japan Railway’s 150th Anniversary Campaign.
In the Package Design category, LIA honors the most innovative, exceptionally crafted, and beautifully executed packaging designs from around the globe. This year, the jury awarded a Grand LIA, two Gold, three Silver, and three Bronze Statues, in addition to recognizing five Finalists.
Grey Colombia, Bogota won the Grand LIA for its remarkable campaign, “Life Extending Stickers”, crafted for Makro.
The Digital category applauds breakthrough creativity in the digital space across a range of platforms, including mobile apps, websites, digital ads, games, mobile, social media, AR, VR, wearables, and websites. After days of deep evaluation and discussion, the jury honored outstanding work with a Grand LIA, 17 Gold, 22 Silver, and 19 Bronze Statues as well as nine Finalists.
The much-anticipated Grand LIA was bestowed upon McCann New York for its exceptional campaign, “ADLaM: An Alphabet to Preserve a Culture”, crafted for Microsoft.
The Use of Social Media & Influencers category honors engaging ideas conveyed via social media platforms or that utilize the social capital of individuals with established reach, from either mainstream or social media. This year, the jury awarded a Grand LIA, 12 Gold, 14 Silver, and 16 Bronze Statues, while also acknowledging eight Finalists.
The Grand LIA was awarded to Ogilvy UK, London for its remarkable campaign, “The Cost of Beauty”, created for Dove.
Says Sanmartin: “We had really, really good pieces. We had stand out designs in both Design and Package Design. We were really happy to see such good quality of work. There are some pieces that you know from the beginning that it is a Grand LIA. And this is what happened with the piece in Design. Japan Rail was iconic and ticked so many boxes. We almost had to have a lottery to see who could bring that design home in our jury. That’s when you know you have made the right decision. In Package Design, we gave the Grand LIA to a sticker that was created by a supermarket. This sticker had different colors to be placed on the fruit and depending on the color, the sticker will give you tips on how to use the fruit. It was sustainable. It was genius. And it’s just a sticker!”
Says Garbutt: “Digital and Social Media & Influencers shows you the clues of where the industry is going in the future, what technology is available, what new functionality can be used for. It unlocks new forms of creativity and new solutions we can bring to the world that the world needs. The Grand LIA in Digital was ADLaM. The work was inspiring and powerful as it showed that digital not only saved a language but it also saved a culture. The “Price of Beauty” for Dove won the Grand LIA for Social Media & Influencers. This is a very important piece of work to make the industry realize that we have a huge responsibility with the kind of assets and work we create for these platforms. It was a brilliant campaign that reflected the problem.”
Says Barbara Levy, president, LIA: “While there was a lot of spirited discussion in the Design and Package Design jury room, the jurors were completely aligned when it came to the Grand LIAs. Which goes to show: at the end of the judging process, through the rich exchange of opinions, the jury will always reach a happy consensus on which work should be elevated above the rest. The energy in the Digital and Social Media & Influencers jury room was palpable. There were a lot of very persuasive and relevant discussions as the jurors curated the list of winners and selected the Grand LIAs.”