Aust Government asks ‘How’s your head today?’ in COVID-19 Mental Health campaign via BMF
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all Australians. Many are facing financial uncertainty, disruption to families and communities, and mental health challenges—some for the first time. The Australian Government has launched ‘How’s your head today?’ – a COVID-19 Mental Health campaign developed by BMF, which aims to encourage all Australians to make their mental health and wellbeing a priority.
The campaign highlights ways to help Australians cope with challenges such as staying connected, building a daily routine and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It will help Australians recognise when they are not coping and where to find information and support.
Head to Health provides a wealth of trusted information, advice and professional support services to help with managing mental health and wellbeing.
‘How’s your head today?’ is part of the Australian Government’s $48.1 million support of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Pandemic Response Plan to help Australians whose mental health is impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Creative Agency: BMF
Chief Creative Officer: Alex Derwin
Group Creative Director: Pia Chaudhuri
Copywriter: Stephanie Allen
Head of Art and Design: Lincoln Grice
Designer: Alex Kidd
Chief Strategy Officer: Christina Aventi
Chief Executive Officer: Stephen McArdle
General Manager: Paul Coles
Group Account Director: Nick Barnett
Account Manager: Adam Reeves
Head of TV: Jenny Lee-Archer
Agency Producer: Tamara Kennon
Production Company: Buck
Executive Creative Director: Gareth O’Brien
Executive Producer: Erica Ford
Producer: Georgie Patching
Art Director: Luke Saunders
Edit: Alek Saharovsky
Music and Sound Design: Otis Studios
Sound Engineer: Lukas Farry
Creative Services Director: Clare Yardley
Production Director: Karen Liddle
Art Buyer: Basir Salleh
Digital Producer: Danielle Kartika
Front-End Developer: King Tan
Finished Artist: Gabriel Mangulabnan

Copywriter is clearly a fellow Drag Race fan. Well done on slipping a little queer sexual innuendo into the dry mouths of our government officials.
Haven’t had any complaints.
My head’s been missing for quite a few months actually…
Congrats, this work is lovely! What a team of legends in those creds. Skrong overbite.
Love this, please write more like this again in the future!