Art Series Hotels Launches ‘Art in Micro’ exhibition of micro art via Thinkerbell
This weekend, Art Series Hotels is set to launches ‘Art in Micro’ an exhibition of micro art – the next big thing in the art world, via Thinkerbell.
Starting this week on check-in guests will be handed a magnifying glass, along with a catalogue of the tiny artwork and prompted to find every micro art piece – some of which may prove to be all too tricky to see with just the naked eye. Guests who can find the art, and promote the exhibition so others can find it too will be given the opportunity to win a trip for two to Le Louvre, Paris during their stay.
Says Ryan Tuckerman, marketing director, Art Series Hotels: “We have a rich history of supporting and exploring contemporary art forms, and believe micro art will be of particular fascination this exhibition season. Across the 8 of our Art Series Hotels, over 40 pieces of micro art have either been purchased directly from artists around the world, or have been loaned. We’re inviting guests to stay the night and find the art.”
The exhibition features artwork such as; sculpted pencil leads by Salavat Fidai, the ceramic miniatures of Jon Almeda, micro dioramas of urban decay from Joshua Smith and micro watercolour on canvas by Varvara Razakova.

Says Jim Ingram, chief creative tinker, Thinkerbell: “It’s amazing how something so small can have such an impact, everyone on the project has been in absolute awe of the level of detail these artists go to with their craft.”
Art in Micro is being exhibited at all 8 Arts Series Hotels from now until 31st July 2019.
For more information about Arts Series Hotels, visit
Art Series Hotels
Marketing Director: Ryan Tuckerman
Marketing Executive: Matthew Lokan
Special thanks to
Curatorial Advisor: Jane O’Neil
Exhibition Advisor: Jon Beinart (
Artist: Joshua Smith
Artist: Salavat Fidai
Artist: Vavara Razakova
Artist: Jon Almeda
The team at Betty Wants In
Media Thinker: Madeleine McConnachie
Head of Production: Sam Cavanagh
Lead Thinker: Aden Eltchelebi
Chief Thinker: Adam Ferrier
Lead Creative Tinker: Tom Wenborn
Lead PR Thinker: Georgie Cavanagh
Chief Creative Tinker: Jim Ingram

Just trying to win awards must get boring for paying clients. Maybe try and do something that gets visitors to your clients hotel rather than another case study.
Sorry everyone. Van has gotten away from me and insists on letting everyone know that he has no idea how value in a brand or business is created.
Art Series are a very very good client
Thinkerbell’s ability to win new business is incredible. Especially considering all the work they do is so bitsy and hollow. Well done. Very jealous.
love this campaign. Agree they must be a very good client. Cracking ideas and lovely execution.
I wonder if bitsy and hollow needs a hug. Bet he does. (And we know it’s a he right).
Well done Josh! This is so cool.
Thanks Bec. I’d love a hug. Sadly even discussing a hug in today’s climate is a no go so obviously you are a guy too. Nice try. Glad you like it. A lot of people will. But given the Thinkerbell team has done this for an award, its a shame the old pencil lead sculpture has been done for the last 15 years by agencies. Night dude.
This is good. Lovely execution and the perfect sized idea for recruiting guests. I don’t get the negativity??
I’m sorry but wtf’s with the credit job titles?
Thinkers and Tinkers?!
Chief Thinker and Lead Creative Tinker etc.
I can think of another title that ends with ‘er’ that is definitely more suitable.
You never came back to hug. Or confess that you’re a creative dude working for FakerBell. Either way, I miss you, Jim.
Love it. Nice work Thinkerbell.