Appliances Online launches new ‘Say Goodbye To $#!* Appliances’ campaign via Step Change
Appliances Online has just launched a new brand campaign, created by strategic and creative agency Step Change, that features several characters experiencing problems with their old appliances.
The 15 second films use humour in a dilemma. As well as the suite of films, the campaign also includes OOH, digital and social executions.
Says Daragh Ledwidge, creative director, Step Change: “The campaign highlights those moments when an old appliance starts to falter and really gets under your skin. In fact, they might even keep you awake at night, niggling away at you and causing you to explode long before the faulty appliance does.The solution is an upgrade from Appliances Online of course.”
The spots showcase the speed and expertise of the Appliances Online team heroically saving the day. Their legendary price, delivery and service comes to the rescue yet again.
Says Ashton Bishop, head of strategy, Step Change: “The brand needed to focus on brand salience, to be first to mind when those existing appliances have ‘worn you down’. The campaign speaks to replacers and upgraders and plays to Appliances Online’s strength in not only delivery, but also the removal, installation and recycling.”
The music was composed by classical music royalty, Elena Kats-Chernin, bringing the story to life. Produced by Heckler and Heckler Sound.
Says Katharina Kuehn, chief neuroscience and strategy officer, Winning Group: “Our new brand campaign highlights our customer promise and demonstrates how our unrivalled shopping experiences of upgrading your appliances with Appliances Online, can help Australians enjoy their best life at home. We have used neuroscientific principles to understand our customers and collaborated with Daragh Ledwidge, Creative Director at Step Change, and Heckler, to guide the design of our creative campaign to be emotionally relevant”.
The campaign will showcase on YouTube, BVOD, OOH transit and social.

Creative Agency: Step Change
CEO/Head of Strategy: Ashton Bishop
Creative Director: Daragh Ledwidge
Client Success Manager: Angie Sayer
Designer: Leo Guevara
Designer: Jowan Guides
Production Company: Heckler
Post Production Company: Heckler
Audio Post Production: Heckler Sound
Music Composer: Elena Kats – Chernin
Client: Appliances Online
Chief Executive Officer: John Winning
Chief Strategy Officer: Katharina Kuehn
General Manager: James Bartlett
$#!* Appliances, nice work.
*clap* swearing *clap* isn’t *clap* an *clap* idea.
Refreshingly simple and to the point. Well done to all involved.
Hello clever, fun and robust work. Nicely crafted.
Nice work guys.
Such an engaging concept!! Simple and effective! Definitely worth the review. Can’t wait to see this go viral……
Fun! Nice to see a campaign having a bit of fun for a change.
F#!^ing love it! ha!
That should cut through the $#!* – nice one Daragh, it seems like some appliance’s planned obsolescence is happening earlier every year.
Pre-rolls you might actually watch. Nice.
Great campaign – very insightful.
This campaign is many things, but “insightful”? What’s the insight? “When an appliance does not work, it is time to get a new appliance”. Ijbol
!*%$@ $*&@%! $&%@! @*!$% $!&*@ &!@$%* L@V3 !T
Well hellp gorgeous! This is very $mart
These comments are much better than the spots.
Wow. Are the comments above satire? Well crafted, very insightful, engaging concept, etc
I’m not sure I believe these comments…
GO Daragh!
Simple. To the point. What more do you want. Oh…a 75 inch QLED would be nice.
Commenting on your own work. These are award school level at best.
You obviously never went to Award School.
the idea isn’t ground breaking and the $#!* hasn’t been done very well, junior team would probably be happy to have this in their book. art direction isn’t great especially on OOH. second frame copy is probably the most interesting thing.
Great concept! Intelligent and to the point.
Ignore the haters. It’s a really solid campaign. Well done on getting great work out in the world.
If you have to make 20 comments on your own work you probably should’ve done better work.
It actually takes a lot of skill to write 20 positive comments pretending to be 20 different people.
Standout work in a tedious wallpaper category. Nice one.
I am a regular 25-34 year old cool Zillennial creative art director who lives in Fitzroy / Marrickville and definitely not a client, and I personally found this to be one of the best ideas I have ever seen. It moved me, made me roar with laughter, and ponder on its wonderful insightfulness.
“We have used neuroscientific principles to understand our customers” – and decided that if you’re current appliance is shit, buy a new one?
Thanks Science…
Think Step Change needs to open an internal job number for time spent commenting on own work.
Bad art direction, lazy copy and poor acting couldn’t even save this terrible idea.
did a ring around asking people for nice comments, perhaps? Lol.
Wow thats desperate. Think better time could be spent on the actual work.
Love the honesty behind this campaign! It’s about time someone tells it like it is. Can’t wait to see the ads