Anglicare Sydney shifts perceptions of seniors living in new documentary and campaign via Grainger Films, Frost* Collective and DEC PR

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Research from the Australian Human Rights Commission has revealed that 43% of Australians over 65 have experienced age-based discrimination, with misrepresentation in marketing – especially within the retirement and aged care sectors – fuelling harmful stereotypes.


To challenge this, Anglicare Sydney has partnered with Frost* Collective to launch the final release of its premium residences at Woolooware Shores, Anglicare Sydney’s waterfront seniors community in the Sutherland Shire

Created by Frost* Collective, the new brand identity for Woolooware Shores shifts perceptions of ageing and seniors living by showcasing empowered, active seniors living life on their own terms – activated across OOH and social.

Frost* Collective’s Head of Place, Cat Burgess, describes the approach as a “perceptual shift away from traditional retirement village marketing, meeting older Australians where they are and how they want to be seen.”

Anglicare Sydney shifts perceptions of seniors living in new documentary and campaign via Grainger Films, Frost* Collective and DEC PR

DEC PR has spearheaded the earned media campaign with the insight that ageism is rife in public discourse and older Australians are particularly besieged when it comes to prejudice and discrimination. Common assumptions about ageing include the belief that mental decline is inevitable, learning new things becomes impossible and life is lonely and sad.

Yet we all know many older Australians who are curious, charming, energetic, and playful – they defy all deep-rooted stereotypes, even those with care needs. Just as Woolooware Shores defies the deep-rooted stereotype of retirement living.

Anglicare Sydney shifts perceptions of seniors living in new documentary and campaign via Grainger Films, Frost* Collective and DEC PR

Integral to the campaign is the release of a compelling short documentary that challenges misconceptions and highlights the vibrancy of life for older Australians. Produced by Grainger Films in collaboration with project consultant Kirk Docker, the film draws inspiration from Kirk’s critically acclaimed ABC series You Can’t Ask That. Fourteen residents from Anglicare Sydney retirement villages were asked a series of questions live, designed to uncover their unfiltered thoughts, feelings, and experiences as an older person. There is a deep curiosity, compassion and playfulness that elicits honesty from people, many of whom have never sat in front of a camera before – something Kirk knows well.

Watch the documentary, ‘Unashamedly Old…But Won’t be Told,’ here or online via

Strategy, Content Production & PR: DEC PR
Production of ‘Unashamedly Old…But Won’t Be Told’ documentary: Grainger Films
Creative Consultant of ‘Unashamedly Old…But Won’t Be Told’ documentary: Kirk Docker
Brand & Marketing (Woolooware Shores): Frost* Collective
Client: Woolooware Shores by Anglicare


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