Anchor milk launches a new campaign with real kiwi families via Colenso BBDO, New Zealand
Anchor milk and Colenso BBDO are bringing the benefits of milk to life in their latest work. The campaign features real stories, from real people, and features real kiwi families. The stories will be told through TVCs, online films, and in print, but will also bring the benefits of milk to life in the real world.
Says Steve Cochran, ECD at Colenso BBDO: “Anchor milk really does help kids grow up healthy and strong. There’s proof of it in every street in New Zealand. We simply found three great examples and filmed them.”
The first installment features 5 year-old Lila and her mum as they discover the joy of the tooth fairy. In the spot Lila’s gives her take on growing older, where teeth come from and the tooth fairy’s roll in it all. In an online video viewers meet her mum and find out how she feels about her little girl growing up. In the real world Anchor and Colenso will help parents bring some of that magic to life with personalised letters from the tooth fairy.
Says Cochran: “Lila made our job easy. Not only was she extremely cute, she did it without a script. She deserves a mention in the credits below.”
To send a Tooth Fairy letter visit
Says Lucy Smith, brand manager, Anchor: “Every mum wants the best for their child, and we wanted to bring the goodness of milk to life for them in a surprising and interesting way. It’s no good us just showing someone enjoying milk, these are real milk drinkers, enjoying the health benefits that milk provides.”
The campaign will continue with more surprising examples of what milk can do and will see kiwi kids starting their journeys to extraordinary things.
Executive Creative Director: Steve Cochran
Deputy Creative Director: Mick Stalker
Senior Art Director: Jim Walsh
Copywriter: Lila – aged 5.
Business Director: Kat Sliper
Planner: Andy McLeish
Media Agency: MediaCom
Production Company: Flying Fish
Director: James Solomon
Producer: Samantha Attenborough
Executive Producer: James Moore
DOP: Marty Williams
Editor: Nathan Pickles
Post-House: MandyVFX