Alinta Energy set to break into SA energy market this Sunday backed by new campaign via Banjo
October 13 2012, 7:51 am | | 17 Comments
Alinta Energy and Banjo Advertising have uncovered the perfect spokesperson as Alinta Energy launch into the South Australian retail energy market for the first time this Sunday. Someone who represents the values of Alinta Energy and shares their passion for fairness.
‘Alinta Man’ seeks to protect consumers from lock-in contracts and exit fees, wherever they may show up. While a little overzealous at times, he gets the point across.
Now this is really bad.
I really like the boomgate one.
This campaign is WRONG!!
Now this is really clear.
I really quite like it > simple but clear
…the benefit is crystal clear and the brand’s not going too safe into a new market. And yeah, it gets the point across.
I actually think Bride Of Chucky Norris there will need to be even more overzealous in future executions, else the campaign is going to run out of energy (ouch). But at least this is one beard who’s not mumbling incoherently about whiskey, or coherently but morosely about money. So that’s a win, in my book.
This campaign already loses steam by the 2nd 30″ execution – contract one. Look at Fair Go Bro (Virgin) and Break up (NAB) built on a similar strategy to this work, but they’re enduring stories with a harder sell.
For an energy company at least it’s a bit different – they are bug in WA good to see more competition
Imitation is not always the greatest form of flattery…
Funny. I like it. Strategy is very similar to many before it, but the execution is spot on.
11:19 Hmmm, yes, you are right.
There is a car and a boom gate in that spot too! Wow! There’s sky also. And most likely they used cameras to shoot both ads. Plagiarism, or just ridiculous comparison?
YouTube Creative, also, there is a central protagonist who is very ‘direct’ in his approach. With Terry Tate, it’s completely expected that a linebacker would act in this manner. I think it’s less true of a sparky working for a power company.
Kudos for getting this idea past the client intact (I assume). Nice to see a fresh approach to a boring sector.
love the boomgate spot. great casting.
Despite your best efforts, these ads are a poor imitation of terry tate.
No, “YouTube Creative” and “hmmm”, you can’t have your money back. Sorry. Clearly, you weren’t paying attention during tutorials.
But I can get you both cheap copies of this:
You’re welcome.
Great direction. Good casting too. Reminds me of this guy:
@likeitsaid love that movie …