After one year in the role Ogilvy NZ interactive CD Dave Nash promoted to creative director

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Screen shot 2011-09-15 at 11.25.04 AM.jpgOgilvy New Zealand has promoted Dave Nash to creative director a year after joining as joint interactive creative director.

Nash, a Kiwi originally from Auckland, has worked on campaigns both digital and traditional throughout Australasia, UK, Middle East and Asia, with globally recognised work on Warner Music International’s most ambitious digital project, and award-winning brand work in the UK and the Middle East.

As well as ensuring that digital is at the heart of their creative offering, Nash will partner with Ogilvy ECD Damon O’Leary on major projects –  the first example of this unique combo of skills is the incredibly effective Kiwibank Green Ops campaign

Says O’Leary: “It’s great to have Dave’s skills to call on – his digital expertise has already made a huge difference to the agency and the creative department in the last 12 months.  It feels like we’re on the verge of something great.  The way we can throw a clash of skills at any brief is exactly what today’s clients are after. We’re getting results and having a lot of fun in the process!”

Says Nash: “We’ve had a busy year, there’s real energy here at Ogilvy.  We have been very successful, winning significant new pieces of business like Auckland Council, with a few more in the pipeline.  For some time now, digital/interactive hasn’t been a separate discipline from creative, we’ve been operating as a tight unit and so it makes perfect sense that the leadership of creativity comes from our partnership. I’m really excited to be working with Damon and helping drive the team to focus on quality creative.”

Screen shot 2011-09-15 at 11.25.11 AM.jpgIn other moves at Ogilvy, Rupert Price, head of planning has lured Andrea Hammond (left) from PR agency Acumen Republic to a key role in the Ogilvy planning team. She brings depth of experience with brands as diverse as Dunedin, Audi, Sanitarium, Telecom, Air New Zealand, Countdown, 42Below, Ingham, Team New Zealand, Whittaker’s, Consumer NZ, Research NZ, NZ Lotteries, BNZ, Shell as well as B2B, medical and startup brands.

Says Hammond: “I was lured by the sheer potential that Ogilvy’s enviable clients, unmatched resource and mega-integrated approach presents.  The planning team that Rupert Price has pulled together is an intriguing collection of specialists that can’t help itself hatching plans and cross-pollinating ideas.  I plan to stir up some useful thinking that sparks great ideas.”