Advertising legend Peter Clemenger AO wins prestigious 2019 Melbourne Achiever Award
The Committee for Melbourne’s prestigious 2019 Melbourne Achiever Awards have honoured advertising legend and Clemenger co-founder Peter Clemenger AO for his outstanding contribution to Business and Arts and Culture in Melbourne. The other winner was The Australian Ballet.
The recipients accepted the award at the Committee’s annual gala dinner on Wednesday night at the recently redeveloped Goldfields Theatre at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in the presence of Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria and Committee for Melbourne Patron.
The Award celebrates contributions to Melbourne that will leave a lasting legacy.
Committee for Melbourne CEO Martine Letts applauded Clemenger’s significant innovation in creating a world-renowned agency Clemenger BBDO, the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival and over 60 consecutive years of philanthropic work.
Clemenger is also a notable patron of the arts, establishing foundations and grants at the National Gallery of Victoria and the Victorian Arts Centre and an Honorary Life Member of The Australian Ballet and Life Patron of the Melbourne Theatre Company.
Says Letts: “Peter is an inspirational Melburnian, and he has enriched Australian business and cultural life through Clemenger BBDO and his support of the visual and performing arts and his philanthropic work. Peter’s generosity and involvement in so many worthy causes have been exemplary. In honouring Peter, we also honour the extraordinary contribution of Joan Clemenger, Peter’s wife and the work of the Joan and Peter Clemenger Trust established in 2001.”
Since 1993, Committee for Melbourne annually recognises and celebrates significant and sustained contributions to our city that will leave a lasting legacy. Previous winners include the late Dame Elizabeth Murdoch AC DBE and Ron Walker AC CBE, National Gallery of Victoria, VicHealth, Melbourne and Olympic Parks and Naomi Milgrom AO.
A remarkable chap who deserves more positive comments from the creative industry.
Congratulations Peter and family.
A wonderful, generous man whose personal generosity massively outweighs his corporate success.
I’ve never forgotten the day at Clemenger when Peter announced to all the hastily assembled staff that we’d lost an account. A big one.
He said no-one would be sacked. He was true to his word.
Peter then gave us his wisdom…although it’s quite a while ago, I’ll quote: “I’ve been at this a long time, this is the business we’re in. It’s no secret that we’ll lose accounts. There’s just one secret to lasting and doing well – win business faster than you lose it. We will do that, just like we always have.”
He managed to calm and focus an entire agency. Somehow, via a combination of warmth and gravitas, making us all feel better.
He’s a very impressive man.
The best. Not just in Australia, but globally.
A giant in every way.
And generous.
I cannot imagine Melbourne without him.
Warmest congratulations Mr Clemenger on your remarkable achievements in so many areas. Firstly, on establishing one of the globes best advertising agencies, and for being a wonderful employer to thousands of staff over many decades who have learnt from the best and developed their careers. It has been a great honour being awarded the exclusive contract to provide Clemenger BBDO and Clemenger Harvie in the late 80’s to provide all your Human Resources for 2 years approx on all levels and in all departments in your business.
It was even more exciting to know that so many of our talent were happily employed for many many years and went from strength to strength in their careers. Not withstanding some of those pure white diamonds are still employed by the business till this day.
And it is a credit to you for all your philanthropy work and generosity of spirit.
God Bless always.