ABEL promotes Nicholas Kelly to creative culture lead to boost its direct to creative offering

ABEL promotes Nicholas Kelly to creative culture lead to boost its direct to creative offering

From innovative solar startups to iconic brands like Red Bull NZ, ABEL’s collaborative model invites the outside in, bolstered now even further with the promotion of Nicholas Kelly.


ABEL is built on a fluid and transparent relationship between clients and creatives, which it believes is then reflected in the deeper relationship its brands have with the people and communities around them. It’s been part of its business ethos since day one – to build a humble network of creative collaborators and connect them directly with the masterminds behind iconic brands – resulting in work that is truly culturally relevant.

It was this insight which propelled the recent promotion of Kelly to the newly created role of creative culture lead.

Kelly’s incredibly diverse background, network and approach all playing a huge part in the shape of the role. From interior design, architecture, performing arts, to launching global (fitness) startups, Kelly is the ultimate embodiment of creative collaboration.

Says Kelly: “I’ve always admired how brands not only leverage the ebbs and flows of culture and society around them, but also their ability to inspire, and shape it as well. I’m lucky enough to have a wonderful non-traditional journey through life, so it’s no surprise I’ve found myself in the advertising industry through a career trajectory some might call unconventional. I love that, the exposure I’ve had to different industries and different perspectives is what makes mine so unique. Having been through D&AD Shift, New Blood Academy and AWARD School to get a taste of the industry I feel hashtag blessed that I found a place that would continue to inspire and challenge me the way ABEL has, creating a role handcrafted for me. There is a huge opportunity for brands to get closer to their communities in more relevant ways and already it’s exciting to be working with some of our partners who are leading the way in this space.’’

A self-taught creative talent, Kelly’s lived experience and natural home within the world of art and culture, made him the obvious choice to lead ABEL’s recent partnership with Red Bull NZ.

Together Kelly and the Red Bull NZ marketing team have proved the power of a direct-to-source, client and creative collaboration. Avoiding all the usual layered baton exchanges, hidden away creative genius and miscommunication, in favour of senior problem solvers and complementary skill sets coming together to create culturally fresh work.

As one of the original independents, changing the landscape of the industry across AUS and NZ – ABEL has learnt that it’s the open collaboration of people, creativity and culture that truly inspires.