AAMI launches ‘Remember When’ new campaign for its Skilled Drivers Course via Badjar Ogilvy
Badjar Ogilvy, part of Ogilvy Melbourne and STW, will this week launch AAMI’s new Skilled Drivers campaign. Entitled ‘Remember When’, the campaign promotes AAMI’s unique Skilled Drivers Course.
The tongue-in-cheek campaign speaks directly to parents with kids, asking them to remember what they were like when they were young. The underlying message is that teenagers are teenagers no matter what era they are from, and they need all the help they can get to prepare them for the road ahead.
Says Nicholas Desira, Badjar Ogilvy creative group head: “When we look back at our youthful years we all cringe a little – not just about our sense of fashion and style (or the lack of hair for some of us today) but our behaviour behind the wheel. That’s what the ‘Remember When’ campaign will remind us of.”
AAMI’s Tim Hernadi feels the campaign will strike a chord with parents, and while the spots are very humorous, they are grounded in the reality that parents really do worry when their children first get their licence.
The BADJAR Ogilvy campaign will appear across multiple channels including TV, press, outdoor and various digital media.
AAMI’s skilled drivers course is a unique product that AAMI offers to drivers under the age of 25, teaching them safe driving habits whilst offering 10% off their car insurance premium.
Director: Nick Ball
Producer: Fiona McGregor
Production Company: Finch
Creative Group Head: Nicholas Desira
Art Director: Jesse McCormack
Copywriter: Lenna Boland
Agency Producer: Lauren Free
They could have just borrowed Bonnie Tyler off DDB.
We don’t look back and cringe at how we were behind the wheel. We were invincible. It was the time before having to buy a family car. The time before our backseat had baby seats. And the time when we openly drank travelers. They were the golden years.
It’s not ‘humorous’, Mr Client, even if the agency sold you hard on that. It’s cringeworthy. But worse, it’s yet another creative direction from AAMI. You (at last) had a brand property with Rhonda (with or without Ketut – I amongst many others had grown to really enjoy the series and could see consistency and continuity, admittedly a happy accident but sometimes these things develop organically) but here we go down another generic insurance advertising route, complete with ridiculous cliches. Was the ubiquitous actress playing ‘Rhonda’ demanding too much money? Whatever the reason for yet another U-Turn on AAMI’s advertising, this is criminal. Who on earth is quality-controlling both strategy and execution on this brand?
everything about this sucks.
this is great fun entertaining work. great casting
I quite like it. It has an insight in it that I have not seen in car insurance before and a reason to buy the product.
What is the song from this ad? I can get the lyrics “I see the love it’s burning deep in your eyes” but can’t find anything on the net. Does anyone know?
I luv this ad! Rolled with laughter
toot toot ballz!
Who is actor in the ad
Who is actor in the ad
An ad packed with stereotypes. Hackneyed. And the actors in the car with the p plates look too old for their parts. Not impressive at all. Great song though.
the songs or part there of were made especially for the advert, and have not been released as yet by the artist who made them who is Blair Joscelyne . Though i don’t mind this ad, i preferred the Ketut and Rhonda ones.. but it seems those ads wont return anytime soon.
Goddddd whats the sonnnnnnnnnnnnng its driving me mental.. driving me.. get it.. hehehe… ohhhhhhhhhhh wow… new low.
The songs in the ‘Remember When’ advertisement are terrible. How can we remember them when they don’t actually exist. Would have been much more effective to use one of thousands of songs from the eighties that we do actually remember, I am sure AAMI could have afforded the royalties. AAMI should change the music. Tori Dee.
Watched this so many times, what the hell is the dude doing at :20 seconds, I DONT UNDERSTAND!!! 🙁 creeeeeeepy much
The song is ‘look in your eyes’ by a band called Steel Dragon. It was released in 1986 and won a Grammy. The film clip is actually available to watch online at a death metal website! Go to maxhardcore.com
Once you’ve done that please leave a comment on what you thought of the clip.
It occurred to me that the 2 actresses scowling at each other were possibly the same actress presented completely differently!? A lot can be done like that these days. Their face shape, eyes, nose & ears look about the same.
Luv it……. It’s awesome…… Makes me laugh every time I see it. It’s scary that I know the words to that song. Takes me back to the good old 80’s. Lol
Love the ad…to see the mother cringing at her ‘younger’ self is quite funny especially as she seems so straight laced now. I do miss Rhona and Ketut though, I wonder how she is going?
Toni :/ how can you know every word when that song was made for the advert it is not an actual song
So many idiots in the comments here.
Clearly both women are the same actress. Most of the other complaints about this ad are just so petty. Get a life people.
All four actors in this ad are the same person. Great ad. Anne Jacobs.
How do I find out that the 2 women are the same actor? I have a bet on this which needs confirmation…. Please help…
I love the Ad and I think that if you can’t understand what the ads about then you’re an idiot. Of course it’s the same actor, she’s remembering back when she was young and the song is a REAL song, you people are idiots. Well done AAMI, yet another awesome creation.
Idiots….the songs are real… I know them. Look them up.
And the lady is the the teeneager too spraying her hair looking at her younger self? Same lady, same actress. can see that a mile off.
It’s a great ad
About time AAMI began listening to their customers. My father attempted to get me a policy 25 years ago and despite having four policies with them, because I was 18, I was not eligible to be insured although I had even completed an advanced defensive driving course!
Even though its claimed as a new song… The ad song sounds a LOT like the interlude in Roxette’s ‘Listen to your heart’
At 2mins 50sec, where the Roxette song goes ‘Take a listen when he’s calling for you.. sounds like where the ad lady sings ‘I see a fire burning deep in your eyes’ …hmmm
What is the burgundy car, is it an Audi or VW? what model?
Wow! I can’t believe how stupid some of the people commenting on here are. You morons.
Is the guy in the 80’s car and the present day teenager the same actor? I know the driver is the same actress but I wondering if its the same with the passager.
The actress is Anita Hegh.
Sounds like classic 80’s German rockers Scorpions of Rock You Like a Hurricane fame.
This is a great ad and all you people who don’t know real 80’s big hair rock should be taking a skilled driving course right now!!!
I think the daughter in the white car, is also the same actress in the red car playing the role of the boyfriend. It didn’t occur to me as a possibility until much later because the mother is so good. In the end both actors are brilliant.
I believe that there are two actresses in this commercial. The mother and her younger self, is one actress. The daughter and boyfriend is the other actress. Both actresses are brilliant.
@Mad Snake – nice! Steel Dragon is the made up band out of the movie Rock Star (2001). The hunt for the song continues…
who is the actress?
Reading some of these comments makes we wonder if Australia is in trouble. Some of you people worry me.
This add is what all ads should be. You actually want to watch them. I power-laugh whenever I see it
I love it and I think they nailed the authentic 80’s craziness
The actress’s is a very nice looking woman and I love her facial expressions. Love the ad
Andy from Beeno – AGREE !!!
Are you people so stupid? You don’t get it do you? The add is great and the song is real! I still remember it.
And for Mel – Read the previous comments cause your question has been aswered before.
For anyone still wondering what the song in the ad is…
Its called Fire and Ice by Blair Joscelyne.
Anita Hegh is the actress. Best known for her years on TV show Stingers in the late 90’s to early 00’s. Great ad.
I love love love this ad beyond funny & brilliant acting from the old mum & as the younger self, I laugh every time I see it.
Absolutely guaranteed, these so-called ‘skilled driver courses’ will encourage all the bloody Aussies to drive in any bloody lane they please, as long as it’s not the one required by the law.
(That’s the one on the left for the 98% of you still confused).
The actress playing her mature and immature selves is just terrific. Who is she???
The teenager and boyfriend are two different people. How could you people not see that?? He has man hands Jerry!
Actor is called Anita Hegh
And the song is called ‘Fire and Ice’ but seems to have been made for the advert. I thought I had heard it in the 80’s too, but according to AAMI websites and youtube posts, seems they have a competition on to come up with a name for the band, and will think of releasing the full song.
It does sound a little like Heart’s ‘Alone’ from 1987 though.
Awesome advert. Makes me laugh every time I see it. The actress does a great job of both roles. Much better advert than the Rhonda ones. Great work AAMI.
I hate this advert. so staged, very annoying . if does not inspire anyone to go with Aami ? You have lost the message about safe drivers courses, if that is what you were trying to do or just sell a policy – very bad. sorry about this actress if she is good but the advert is bad and annoys me and my friends to no ends.
Whats this song on here OMG!! Its killing me
When I first saw this ad, I initially thought that some people on their way to an 80s party (or just some retro bogans) had pulled up next to them and REMINDED her that’s how she used to be.
The way its shot it looked like the other car was simply “there” having pulled up next to them right then and there, it confused me why the daughter totally ignored the car of goofy bogans next to them but mum was all aware.
I get that she’s remembering her youth and its the same actress, but could’ve been a lot clearer that she’s remembering the past. Fade the other car in rather than drive up or grade the old region to look retro/aged video.
It’s clear that the woman and the young girl are the same actress-I also believe the daughter is made up as the young male in the other car-the look is clear and it makes sense.
I’d never heard that song but it does sound like Canadian band Triumph. I will have to hear the clips by Steel Dragon and Blair Joscelyne…
PS: I sure am glad I don’t have to see Rhonda and Ketut again!
Im sorry but this ad annoys me no end!! Its like nails stratching a blackboard. ..it puts metaking up any insurance with them.and whats even funnier is im probably their target market
I’ve seen this ad multiple times and laugh every time. Half the reason is that the ’80’s was my party era so it struck a chord and the other half is Anita Hegh’s brilliant performances/reactions in both roles.
Most AAMI ads are entertaining. Don’t overthink it people; most other ads are insane.
What a piece of rubbish, the high screeched cackle hits the nerve every time and
Of course it seems to be on a hundred times a day. Maybe start a blog
Encouraging people to chafe insurers, Sami should chafe agencies!
I find this commercial hysterical. The mother and her younger self in the other car are definitely the same actress. I’m not sure if the actress playing the daughter is also the boyfriend of the mother’s other self, but the similar cut away sleeve clothing, the shape of the faces, noses and fair skin would seem to imply perhaps the daughter was “fathered” by the boyfriend. It’s a very funny ad.
I agree with Rob (May 11th, 2013) who suggests that the two actresses scowling at each other are one and the same. This applies to the new add with the men too. They are definitely the same actor in each car if you have a good look. Well spotted Rob, cheers.
I love this ad. Always makes me laugh. Such sexy youths in those cars. It’s the only ads I enjoy watching.
My husband pointed out to me that it was the same actress playing both roles. Even after having watched this commercial many times, I still can’t actually pick the features to confirm this!! Hence, many thanks to those of you who verified Anita Hegh plays both characters. It’s such a fun commercial. Cudos to AAMI for the only entertaining ad on TV for quite some time!
What is the actors nam in the father and son one
Does anyone know the name of the actors playing the daughter and the boyfriend are they the same person????? Driving me crazy
If you Google ‘Blair Joscelyne facebook’ you will find the publicly available page with a post from 3 July which states – “I have another track on the new AAMI TV commercial which is a continuation of the Skilled Drivers series. While the previous commercial was a big 90’s stadium metal sound “Fire&Ice” this one is a more broody 80’s electro-rock sound. Like the earlier Meteor commercial, this was written specifically for the ad, and features the vocals of Glenn Cunningham. It was a lot of fun working on these ads and the tracks that went on the final ads are just a few of the many I wrote. Anyone willing to pay me to make the cheesiest of metal is welcome into the studio anytime!”
First execution is really enjoyable, the second featuring the guys is creepy…please take it off air…please
I love this ad! My friends and I were all talking about it the other day, we were the girl driving the Meteor! We are now the woman in the car with the awkward sideways head turn .. love it !!!
Who is the guy in this commercial?
Is the male actor Chris Lilley?
The son of the father may even be the same actor? Considering the road is not marked as dual lane, is this not a traffic offence committed?
Where are the two ads about AAMI’s driver training course filmed? Especially the one with the guys?
Why does the older driver stay at the intersection?
Can someone PLEASE tell me the name of the actor that plays the adult male in the car ads……I Need to know !!!!
I also would like to know if the son of the “straight” dad is his actual son playing the role
– they look like they are related (with the headphones on). I’m trying to win a bet with my own son.
I also would like to know if the son of the “straight” dad is his actual son playing the role
– they look like they are related (with the headphones on). I’m trying to win a bet with my own son.
Best ad ever. Loving that it’s by female creatives too.
The actress is wonderful in this ad and I never tire of it. And yes! It’s obviously the same actress… “remember when you were young?”.
Enjoy these two ads every time they are on, pity it’s for a dogs breakfast car ins company, but your doing well with your adverts. The male actor is a guy called Gibson Nolte who had a role in Ghostrider with Nicholas Cage and Eva Mendes. I think he may play all three characters in this ad, and maybe the female actor Anita Hegh in the other ad also plays all three girl characters. Could be wrong, lots of very similar features but make up can do anything and they only have to have the seat heights set different to make the child look like they’re lots lower and shorter to give it that effect. Very clever and funny ads…
Get the song here!
I loathe these ads. They’re neither humorous nor clever, but rather cringeworthy, especially the 80s male driver (making stupid faces does not constitute clever humour). Having said that, it does not surprise me that some people do find these ads “hilarious”, after all a portion of the human race thought the Three Stooges were rip-roaringly funny. Seriously?
Finally, the ad does not engender in me a desire to call AAMI, and isn’t that the purpose of advertising?
The songs were written by a production studio specifically for AAMI.