Greg Evans + Dexter fronts latest ‘Perfect Match’ spot for Domain via Whybin\TBWA, Sydney
January 21 2013, 12:51 pm | | 13 Comments
The latest Domain TVC via Whybin\TBWA Sydney, directed by Ariel Martin of Filmgraphics Entertainment, revisits the popular 80s Australian blind date show ‘A Perfect Match’ with original host Greg Evans and his sidekick robot Dexter.
The new app from Domain makes it easier for smart phone users to search for property listings.
Wait……what?…….this from “Australia’s Most Creative Agency”….? Wow…
Where’s Debbie Newsome?
Here she is:
Should get lots of 4 year olds interested
Who can recognise its even greg evans…and is it aimed at 4 year olds
awful. terrible……..stop.
This won’t keep Whybins in the ‘most awarded’ league. Seriously bad from every point of view.
Maybe it’s because I’m old but I quite like this
Perfect intro to a new campaign. The people who have all the money for the type of properties in Domain remember Perfect Match. Even if we were 30 when it aired. I reckon it will have legs and the normal Whybin Sydney on-line magic. Wait for the kind of build they got for NRMA.
Wooden directing…
I’m sure the entry video will be amazing….
I think that may bit a bit harsh for Ariel – you get what you get when you use a personality.
Anyway, I think this has the potential to get pretty funny. Let’s see if it does.
I’m not an Aussie, have never seen ‘Perfect Match’, and didn’t know who the guy or the robot were. But after watching the ad once, I know what Domain is and what it claims to be able to do for me. If I was looking for a house, I’d go there.
Not great creatively, but by no means terrible.