SEEK Learning teams up with Spotify to launch new ‘Calling Compilations’ competition via Leo Burnett Melbourne and Ikon

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SEEK LEARNING LEO BURNETT MELB.jpgSEEK Learning, Leo Burnett Melbourne and Ikon have launched their ‘Calling Compilations’ competition with a $5000 grand prize up for grabs, as well as a hundred 12 month premium Spotify accounts.

All people need to do is match songs to their ideal course to create their very own calling compilation – a personalised soundtrack to inspire some sweet dance moves, and who knows, maybe even their next career move too.

Says Mitchell Lawson, brand manager, SEEK Learning: “Studying and music go hand in hand, and this competition unites the two in a playful and engaging way. People can explore the songs that suit their career, and be inspired to further it at the same time. And they’re sure to have a bit of fun in the process.”

The competition begins this week and is open to anyone in Australia aged 18 and over.

Example Playlist:


More than words – The ultimate Journo Mix


These words, Natasha Bedingfield

You took the words right out of my mouth, Meatloaf

Read about it, Midnight Oil

Both sides of the story, Phil Collins

How I write, Rob Thomas

Written on the forehead, PJ Harvey

Writer’s block, Eminem

Ladywriter, Dire Straits

Newspaper mama, Peter Combe

Press Conference, Nicki Minaj

Mr Reporter, The Kinks