Illustrator Jon Voss available for projects and briefs involving hand-crafted illustrations

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img-311154821 copy.jpgJon Voss is an illustrator, artist, draughtsman and architect located in Newton, Sydney who is looking to branch out into projects and briefs that require custom, quality hand crafted illustrations.

Says Voss: “A large part of what I do comes from a love of machines and all things mechanical, however the form is borrowed from the immensely complex and elegant lines of nature. It is this unlikely but intriguing symbiosis of these thoughts that drives my art.”

BLOB B1a.jpgVoss studied Interactive Architecture at the Bartlett in London (UCL). Since completion of his degree and Diploma in 2003 he has worked at various architectural firms including Richard Rogers in London and since moving to Sydney in 2005 with Lippmann Rogers partnership and now with RiceDaubney Architects.

Voss’ recent events include:

Vivid Sydney 2012

Willouby Sculpture Exhibition 2011

Vivid Sydney 2011

Saw Millers Reserve

Sculptural Exhibition 2010

Newtown Fringe Festival –

Carriageworks 2009

home slave.jpgVennice Biennale, ‘Abundant Australia’ Italy 2009

Living Edge & Chandonn design competition winner

Object Gallery, Surry Hills 2009

Vivid Sydney 2009

sascha house.jpg