Cystic Fibrosis Queensland launches new fundraising campaign ‘The Great Aussie Breather’ via independent Brisbane agency Decoder

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MR180912_Website.jpgCystic Fibrosis Queensland (CFQ) this week launches its new fundraising campaign, The Great Aussie Breather conceived by Brisbane agency Decoder.

The campaign has now been brought to life by iformat and invites companies to register on the Great Aussie Breather website and then raffle a day off work amongst employees by donating ‘a day off work’ as a prize. Employees buy tickets from The Great Aussie Breather website, for the chance to win a day off.

Says James McDonald, head of strategy at Decoder: “When we started work on fundraising initiatives for Cystic Fibrosis Queensland this year, we of course wanted to tell the CFQ story, but the brands that are winning hearts and minds are those that not only have a great story, but those that also enable their customers. By making action (and by that I mean donations) easy, we have developed a campaign for CFQ that not only communicates the brand story, but that also encourages our audience to share that story with friends through social media channels, and be rewarded for that participation.

“Our clients across all sectors are recording tighter budgets, so the traditional marketing model using brought media space is becoming more and more difficult. Whilst the upfront costs of creating our own media can be more expensive, the measured return through generating consumer conversation makes it more than worthwhile. By giving CFQ the right digital tools, it makes things a whole lot easier.”