Clems chief Peter Biggs slams Mumbrella for ‘bordering-on-libellous’ piece on MADC Awards


Biggsy 2.jpgClemenger BBDO, Melbourne CEO Peter Biggs has responded to an opinion piece on Mumbrella about last Friday’s MADC Awards which he says borders on libelous.

Here’s his response, which was posted on the Mumbrella article last night:

Bravo, Robin.

You have managed to insult the integrity of everyone involved with the MADC – the organisers, the agencies who enter and the judges with your bordering-on-libellous piece.

We are proud to support our local industry and stand alongside the other MADC sponsors (who include DDB and The Age) in promoting the growth of creativity in Melbourne.

Naturally, we request the sponsorship of categories in which we are strong – why wouldn’t we? We had a number of our creatives on the judging panels (and yes, all judges abstain from voting on work that comes from their agency, whether they actually worked on it or not) and I have asked them if they knew who was sponsoring which category. They confirmed there was nothing of the sort even mentioned during the judging process.

To suggest that we were in some way ‘buying’ our wins in those categories is pure tabloid scuttlebutt. The work that won at Friday night’s ceremony has also been recognised in other award shows – both locally and internationally. Obviously, it must be pretty good work. Or maybe our bribery budget is even bigger than you imagined.

There’s an old French proverb: Les chiens aboient, la caravane passe

Literally translated, it means “The dogs bark, the caravan passes by”. I think it’s particularly apt in this instance.

And I can hug or cradle whomever the hell I want.
