The Colony’s Matilda Brown directs series of 60# commercials for Tourism NSW targeting youth


Screen shot 2011-05-27 at 4.35.16 PM.jpgScreen shot 2011-05-27 at 11.10.11 PM.jpgScreen shot 2011-05-27 at 11.15.34 PM.jpgThe Colony’s Matilda Brown has directed a series of 60 second commercials targeted toward the youth market in NSW, to encourage them to get out and explore their own backyard.

The campaign entitled “Captured By The Country” focuses on various road trips around the NSW countryside.

Client: Tourism NSW

Agency: Direct

Director: Matilda Brown

Production Company: The Colony

Music: Metric “Gimme Sympathy”

DP: James Brown

Post Production: High Def Services / Post Modern

Editor: Adrian Chiarella