Jam’s CDs present themselves to Don Draper
When Adelaide-based agency Jam had a Mad Men themed birthday bash to celebrate the fifth anniversary of their ad agency, joint creative directors Steve Callen and Mike Wilson made this themed video to play on the night.
“No one knew we made it. We told everyone we had discovered some old archival footage of Jam’s early days in the 1960’s, even though we’re only five years old,” says Callen. “We shot it on the agency’s DSLR in our boardroom and with the help of Corey Piper we blended it into the Mad Men footage.”
Click here to view the video. Callen’s the one on the left and Wilson’s the one on the right.
Amazing, well done guys, pure, side splitting humour. Awesome!
Should have been left in house where it *could* have been funny
Slow news days Lynchy?
Come on 10:48AM lighten up!
Well done Jam, made me laugh out loud.
I’ve been to funnier funerals. Terrible.
Grumpy fuckers.
As far as inhouse stuff goes, this was pretty good.
Besides, once you’ve seen Leo’s “I’m so excited” and agency.com’s subway pitch video, everything else in comparison is great.
Most agencies do this kind of stuff all the time. It’s fun and everybody gets a laugh at the Xmas party. You couldn’t get a more receptive audience.
Just don’t post it on the CB blog. That’s really embarrassing.
Wait til I post the funny snaps from my agency. It’s synced to some song.
Soooooooooooooo funny.
Yes, fucking shit.
“….and the Oscar for advertising wanker’s head stuck up own advertising wanker’s arse goes to…”
Mike, come back to Sydney. Quickly.
Mike, good to see you’re having fun in Adelaide.
Come visit US next time you’re in Sydney.
Will do Josh. It’d be great to catch up.
Sheesh, tough room. I liked it. Callen is a certified genius, so it doesn’t matter what the bitter juniors think, does it?
The best Adelaide has to offer. Awesome.
Let’s go over there and steal their clients one by one until they apologise.
I very much liked it.
Could you do a quick Japanese Version…my mates and signiicant others would really enjoy it….excellent stuff!
Lost Uncle