Optus launches Open Network with blockbuster animation commercial via M&C Saatchi, Sydney


OPTUS.jpgOptus will go to air this Sunday with a major commercial created by M&C Saatchi, Sydney that features some of the most sophisticated animation ever seen in an Australian TVC to launch its Open Network.

Renowned animation company BUF Paris produced two celebratory TVCs featuring the Optus animals appearing in a massive stage production.

The commercials were created entirely in CG. All animals werepainstakingly conceived from scratch with crocodiles, flamingos, flyingsquirrels and even fireflies researched and rebuilt in CG.

Screen shot 2010-09-10 at 7.32.53 PM.pngTheresult is a celebration of the Optus mobile network and of the”anything is possible” positioning to deliver the Open Network – themobile network with real possibilities.

The new brand namefollows the $2 billion investment Optus has made in its mobile networkover the past five years, with more than 1,000 new mobile siteslaunched since 2008.

The commercial is described by its famedEuropean director Thierry Poiraud as a “magical journey throughexquisite environments.”

M&C Saatchi, Sydney copywriter AndyFlemming and art director Shane Gibson couldn’t be happier with theresult: “Thierry brings a love of animation mixed with an incredibleunderstanding of light, colour and magic. We’ve watched the commercialbuild frame by frame over months and the crew simply never stoppedworking,” the creative duo said in a joint statement.

“We’dget shots in the middle of the night where the guys had just come upwith an idea and then worked through to the morning to get it right.”

Executivecreative director Ben Welsh was equally excited: “This commercial isthe result of trust. A client trusting an agency. An agency trusting ateam. A team trusting a director.”

Outdoor, print and online executions will follow the TVC launch on Sunday.

Ben Welsh (Executive Creative Director)

Andy Flemming (Writer and Creative Group Head)

Shane Gibson (Art Director and Creative Group Head)

Paul Carpenter (Art Director)

Group Account Director: Christine Gardner

Account Directors: Renee Marie Hyde, Craig Page, Sarah Borenstein

Account Manager: Gina Xiradis

Planning: Colin Jowell

Agency Producer: Loren August

Production Companies: Rods Films, Paris / The Feds, Sydney

Director: Thierry Poiraud

Producer: Alex Richardot

CG / Post: BUF, Paris

Music: Tchaikovsky, Nigel Crowley @ Stellar



Shane Gibson (Art Director and Creative Group Head)

Matt Weston (Digital Writer)

Jason Woefl (Art Director)

Shane Kruger (Designer)

Steve Farkas (Online Art Director)

Media: MPG