Dubsat launches My Media online: Access, repurpose, and share TV commercials in any video format anytime from any desktop
Following on from their hugely popular MediaPro desktop application, distributed advertising and media asset management company Dubsat, today announced the launch of My Media, a revolutionary new online service that uniquely repurposes TVCs and mydubsat version 9.0, the latest version of its online portal.
Says Grant Schuetrumpf, general manager of Dubsat: “My Media and mydubsat version 9.0 are available and live now. My Media is another first in the market for this level of desktop functionality and is all about efficiency, speed, accuracy and quality. By utilising the My Media services in our web portal, mydubsat version 9.0, users can immediately access their TVCs and now repurpose and retrieve versions in any video format for DVD, podcasting, online and mobile on their desktop with the simple click of a mouse.”
My Media is part of the new mydubsat version 9.0 and extends Dubsat’sonline tool palette giving users the power to search for their TVCs,play TVCs back within their browser at full screen, create JPEGstoryboards, see extended media booking information and destinationsrelating to the TVC and add comments and messages which can be sharedsecurely with their clients.
Schuetrumpf continued, “My Media is a convenient service within ourcloud computing offering, allowing users to request and process fileconversions offline, freeing up the desktop to do other taskssimultaneously.”
My Media repurposes a new file format from the user’s secure onlinelibrary 24×7 from any desktop using ‘real-time processing’ so the usercan see the progress as it happens. By accessing a simple menu inmydubsat 9.0 the user simply chooses their required file types and isgiven a cost estimate to accept. Once accepted the order is thenfulfilled in real time.
One of the particularly popular features now made possible by My Mediais the option to repurpose assets and make them accessible in AppleiTunes®. In this instance, once the TVC has gone through the simplerepurposing process, My Media launches iTunes® and a TVC version of theasset is automatically downloaded ready to be played.
Schuetrumpf added, “This is a very convenient feature because mostpeople have iTunes® as part of their desktop suite of applications.Users can also subscribe to an RSS feed and share the podcast withtheir clients by simply providing them with the subscription URL and aunique user name and password. This is another good example of howDubsat is giving more power and functionality to its users and theirclients via their own desktops.”
My Media and mydubsat 9.0 are the result of many months R&D and a significant amount of research and planning.
Schuetrumpf concluded, “Our aim with My Media was that it be powerful,versatile and efficient for all users. We have achieved this by makingit more convenient than ever to manage TVCs and their history on onescreen with all relevant information and data instantly available. MyMedia is a real step forward and brings even greater efficiency andconvenience to the desktop. There is also a lesser need for dedicatedhardware and proprietary servers to be purchased. The real efficiencyof MediaPro and My Media is that they are convenient, online, cloudcomputing services immediately accessible by any desktop computer withInternet access. Dubsat is committed to providing all of our solutionsin this way and on following the Software as a Service model.”
The My Media TVC asset repurposing service is now available via mydubsat version 9.0 at www.dubsat.co.nz