Ex Saatchi Sydney art director Eron Broughton lands gig at Butler Shine Stern, San Francisco


EzaCalifornia.jpgAfter too many years and way too many beers at 70 George Street, one of Saatchi’s favourite sons, who flew the coop last year to the USA, Eron Broughton (aka, Eza) has recently signed on as senior art director at Butler Shine Stern & Partners, San Francisco.

BSSP (or Butler Shine to the locals) may not be the most well known US agency within Australia, however that’s far from the case in the States. BSSP is regarded so highly that recently they were awarded Small Agency of the Decade proving that this independent San Francisco-based hotshop is definitely a great catch for the Aussie creative (and of course vice-versa).

Promoted by David ‘Nobby’ Nobay as a junior, Eza helped S&S wrap upmany successes over the years including CB Agency of the Year threeyears in succession. Under Nobby and with new guidance from now ECDSteve Back and ex CD Dave Bowman, he and his now ex-partner Steve Maypicked up metal and finalists at D&AD, Cannes, Clios, The One Show, OneShow Interactive, London International, New York Festival, AWARD andthe Caxtons. However, he says winning ‘Best Xmas Party Costume’ onthree occasions was definitely the most satisfying of all. We wish himall the best.