Alcoholics Anonymous to celebrate its 65th anniversary with three agency pronged ad blitz


Screen shot 2010-05-31 at 4.48.17 PM.pngScreen shot 2010-05-31 at 5.50.49 PM.pngOn 10 June, 2010, Alcoholics Anonymous Australia (AA) celebrates its 65th anniversary with an historic event – the launch of AA’s first tri-pronged, national, media campaign, of community service announcements made in Australia.

For 65 years, AA has primarily depended on CSA’s from AA in the US and UK. Now, with the co-operation of three Australian ad agencies specialising in social marketing – and the enthusiastic support of the Australian media environment – three stylistically different information campaigns are geared to hit our screens and airwaves, one agency’s campaign at a time.

The first cab-off-the-rank is Grey Healthcare Group, Sydney:

VIEW TVC 1 SPOT (via Grey Healthcare):

VIEW TVC 2 SPOT (via Grey Healthcare):

VIEW RADIO SPOT (via Grey Healthcare):

Says Tim Brieley, GHG creative director: “The concept we developed forAA: ‘Alcohol just not fun anymore?’ zeroes in on the isolation andsocial separation that often results from long-term problem drinking -when sadly, the fun doesn’t outweigh the effects. At this point, helpand support for the drinker is needed from people who understand andhave been there themselves”.

The GHG campaign, running from end of May to end of August, comprisestwo 15-second TV CSA’s, radio, print, outdoor and digital media. Twomassive GHG billboard posters are currently making their debuts atSydney’s Wynyard (platform 3) and Kings Cross stations.

The second campaign, by Gatecrasher, Perth, will air fromSeptember to the end of 2010. “The point of the campaign,” explainscreative partner Adam Barker, “Is that alcoholics don’t need to be toldthey’ve got a problem, they simply need to know that there’s asolution. Our ads are designed to show the emotional turmoil of thedrinker and clearly spell out that AA could be the answer”. Thecampaign comprises three 30-second “dramatised” spots plus one forradio.

The third campaign by Working Three, Melbourne, is slated to airin 2011. WT digital strategist and partner Christian Green says: “Thecampaign, for young drinkers, evolves around a purpose-built socialmedia website and demonstrates that strategic online communication canbe used to ‘soften’ a subject that is usually perceived as’threatening’.” To point users to the site, the campaign will includeTV CSA’s, print, outdoor and radio media.