McDonald’s Playland: something tells us it’s good


Screen shot 2010-05-20 at 11.48.11 AM.pngAs reported by CB on Monday March 29, commuters arrived in Sydney’s CBD to find aMcDonald’s Playland built just for them. Adults were able to play in away that they hadn’t since childhood.

The Playland incorporated retrocharacters from the past such as a Hamburglar swing, Grimace cage andFillet-O-Fish bouncers. Built entirely by hand and scaled 2:1, it madeadults look and feel like kids again. It had a height of 32 feet, aweight of more than 15 tonnes, and a footprint of over 4,500 squarefeet. People see “i’m lovin’ it” in all McDonald’s ads. This time theyfelt it.