Spirit of ANZAC: but even heroes need heroes
April 19 2010, 6:07 pm | | 39 Comments
The Spirit of ANZAC is invincible. It is the flame that burns in theheart of Australians, and this year The Campaign Palace, Melbourne has againproduced a charity commercial for the RSL that defines that spirit, andhas again enlisted the directorial skills of Jamie Doolan to bring theidea to life.
Nice spot Jamie. Well done to all.
Think Jason Murphy is from GAS INC.
Nice job Jamie.
Good script.
The truth, without all the ad-bits, would’ve been far more powerful and far more respectful. It just didn’t need the ‘trick’ of the reveal . It left me questioning whether the tears were real; even whether the talent is a real ‘digger’ or not. Sometimes the truth, the pure unadulterated truth, works much better. I think this a classic example of advertising getting in the way of, and contaminating, a wonderful story.
Love it
Un-generic. Like it.
so, is the guy in this ad actually a digger? or is he an actor?
On Ya. That’s great.
Well done Jamie. Brilliant.
Really lovely. Nice work.
@ 9:01
Don’t be such a cynic. The ad works – just anyone who isn’t in the ad industry.
The guy in this ad is a WWII POW veteran. He is 93 years old and this was the first he had spoke on camera.
So the male nurse is a hero?
@ 8:37
I’d say he is. Having seen first hand the difference to quality of life people in that industry make to the elderly and war vets I’d say that they are heroes (because they’re doing something others would never have the drive or commitment to do.)
Leave the sardonic comments out of it. What do you do that’s more heroic than them? Make ads? Pffft.
Not bad. Better than a certain beer company trying to hijack ANZAC day. What a disgrace, we should all boycott that beer, as much as that hurts.
It kinda looked and felt like all the other Anzac old digger ads I’ve seen before. Although a do like the idea.
9:17 clap clap. You had your little exercise of control for the day? Feeling better?
9:01 here.
I think 9:17 misses the point. That carers of our veterans do a great job is not in dispute. Nor are anyone’s comments sardonic, cynical or however you want to brand them.
The simple facts are that to some, me included, its not clear whether the talent are acting or not. People shouldn’t have to ask, it should be obvious. One or the other is fine, but neither is wrong.
The old gentlemen may well be a veteran and his words might be his own, but that should be obvious, we shouldn’t need someone to have to tell us.
I also find the impression he’s talking about a fallen comrade, or war buddy, when in fact he’s talking about his carer disconcerting. Carers do a great job, but find the comparisons of their actions with those who fought and died for their country a little unnecessary.
And just for the record, 10:07’s comments aren’t mine.
901: I’m not missing any point. I’m simply illuminating the fact that you’re trying to exercise control on the content of this blog and you seem to get some sort of sick enjoyment out of it.
12.06 here. I think 10.31’s comments about 9.17 miss the point that 9.58 was making about 9.21.
9:17, my grandfather actually is a decorated war veteran. He would never call himself a hero but he is a hell of a lot closer than a nurse who works 40 hours a week, is fairly paid, protected by a union, receives superannuation and doesn’t have to dodge bullets. Many carers do a fine job but it’s a career choice not a sacrifice.
There are hundreds of thousands of amazing ANZAC stories that don’t need an old gag reveal to be powerful and memorable.
To me this spot works so well – it really reminded me that the RSL is not just about
old diggers getting together but is an organization that is still as relevant today as it was immediately post war. You could make a whole documentary about this story but somehow the script, and execution by Jamie, have told us all we need to know in 30 seconds. Well done to all and cheers to the RSL
It’s the fact that he says “ooooh Dave!” as in, what a surprise, that ruins it. Hate to be the one to say shoulda coulda woulda but if he said thanks Dave in a less pointed way I would have forgiven it.
If you want to see how to do advertising AND a great spot for the RSL look at Scott Whybin’s Anzac Day spots for yesteryear. He managed to combine an ad idea AND the voice of a returned serviceman so that no-one could not understand that the voice you were listening to and the experience that was being spoken about was anything but 100% real.
In this example, you’re not sure what’s real and what’s not.
Don’t worry 12:33 – 9:17 is just a silly little man that gets a kick out of trying to control people. Maybe a few years in New Guinea with our pops would have done him some good.
10:40 – you do miss the point.
I’m not trying to ‘exercise control on the content of this blog’. Someone posted an ad on the site and I’m commenting on it. And unlike some who just write shit, crap, when they don’t like a spot, I’ve tried to explain why I believe this spot is flawed. So, let me reiterate, just for you:
There’s a great story here but it’s lost under the veil of advertising. When the carer enters and is addressed as George the viewer can be forgiven for thinking what they might’ve thought was a digger talking honestly about his war experiences might actually be an old actor doing a commercial.
And i find comparing the work of carers with those who’ve fought and died in war in poor taste. . As important as their work is, they’re not putting their lives on the line for the country.
So there you have it 10:40. Sorry for having an opinion.
I second 12:59 – the talent direction let the ad a little down at the end.
Hahaha there Dumbo goes again with one of his stylistic snide remarks at the end.
“Sorry for having an opinion.” He always does that: comes in on the moral high ground then drops a little snarky dummy-spit at the end of his comment like a dollop of poop in your ice-cream.
You’re still not understanding the point I’m making dumbshit: “Leave the sardonic comments out of it.”
That is the effort by you to assume control over this blog I’m referring to, not your nonsensical platitudes.
Sorry for having an opinion – LMFAO
I like a massive dose of irreverence as much as anyone, but this ad is just trying to invent a twist for the sake of it. It’s not clever, it’s contrived.
Should’ve stuck with BAMERCISE…
Hey 2:41… THERE you are ya big silly shadow boxer. Who are you picking on now? Making trouble on this thread, too, I see. Look, I think 1:39 is quite right and, unlike you, has stated his or her argument in a reasonable and civilised way. Why do you always seem to think other people are trying to control this blog? Is someone controlling YOU? Is that it? And what’s with all the constant “dummy-spit… dumbshit… dollop of poop” sort of references? We don’t need Dr. Freud’s help there, do we? Guess not. And hey, just for my own “sick enjoyment” can I say, don’t bother writing back because… “I’m already in the house.”
Remember the McDonalds Anzac Day spot ? Now that was a classic.
Ooh looks like Dumbo’s getting upset again. Getting all worked up are we?
But I think we know Dumbo that all those comments can be attributed to you. They all seem to have the same smell, the same snarky backhandedness about them that just wreaks of a certain silly little man that never could quite make it though he tried so, so hard.
Sigh. A sad story really. Boy moves from the sticks, boy fails, boy spits dummy.
But hey, on the flipside we all enjoyed your book you sent us the other week. The upside down brain? CLASSIC. Oh and those licenses for soccer mum’s – priceless! We all had a good laugh. It went viral.
All around the office.
Ah Ben you can dish it out but you can’t take it can ya? You snipe and snark, you smirk and smear but when someone gives you a little stick you just can’t help yourself. Can ya? 😉
Not sure if it needs the guy in the end. Probably could’ve cut it there.
“Pleased to meet you,
hope you guess my name,
but what’s puzzling you,
is the nature of my game.”
Now now girls, play nicely.
Oh shit. Cyberstalker’s back on the rounds again.