Shots: is it really 20 years ago today?


Picture 1149.pngShots, one of the world’s leading creative resources, celebrates 20 years of global creativity this month with a special celebratory DVD and magazine.

This benchmark issue, shots 121, features the best of the best of shots magazine and looks back over the campaigns, events and people that have shaped the business from 1990 to today.

Oz and NZ creatives to make the cover includes David Droga (as one of the fab four), Andy Fackrell, Warren Brown, Nobby and Craig Davis. Asia is represented by Piyush Pandey and Jureeporn Thaidumrong.

The magazine is year-by-year analysis and includes feature articleswith influential legends such as Sir John Hegarty, David Droga and TonyKaye.

Says agent for shots Australia, Margot Fitzpatrick: “This is thepinnacle edition of shots to date with the absolute gems chosen fromthe last double decade being selected. Home-grown directors to berecognized on the DVD include Paul Middleditch, Garth Davis and SteveRogers, alongside international greats such as Tom Kuntz, Spike Jonze,and Danny Kleinman, and the list just goes on!”

The DVD celebration includes 3 regional Top 20’s and featured withinthe Top 20 Asia Pacific selection are classic commercials such asToyota “Bugger” and Yellow Pages “Not Happy Jan” as well as more recentsuccess stories such as Cadbury’s Schweppes “Burst” and James Boags”Pure Waters”.

Picture 1147.pngPicture 1148.pngAustralian and New Zealand agencies with work on the DVD celebrationinclude: Clemenger BBDO Melbourne, DDB Auckland, BMF Sydney, GeorgePatterson Y&R Melbourne, JWT Sydney, Publicis Mojo, Sydney, andSaatchi and Saatchi Wellington

shots’ Top of the League tables in the magazine reveal that Londondominates the global Agency chart with BBH coming in first, being theagency to consistently deliver creative excellence over the last twodecades. TBWA/Hunt/Lascaris Johannesburg is the only southernhemisphere agency to make it to the Top 20 Agencies table.

Traktor takes the Top of the League gong for Directors, with local starPaul Middleditch coming in at number 14. Partizan London just pippedGorgeous to head Production Company and Nike prove it’s a marathon tohead the Top of the League Brands table, followed closely by Volkswagenand Levi’s.

Visit see shots’ Top 20 Digital campaigns including Tourism Queensland:Best Job in the World which smashed the 2009 Award shows, picking upCyber, Direct and PR Grand Prix at Cannes.

This classic collection is available by subscription or by single-issuepurchase for a special offer of £150/US $299 – please contact MargotFitzpatrick directly to order: