Steggles launches ‘Steggler for quality’ national TV campaign via M&C Saatchi, Sydney


STEGGLES-TVC.jpgIconic Australian poultry brand Steggles this week revealed its first major advertising campaign in more than a decade, launching a national TV campaign via M&C Saatchi, Sydney, starring its own staff and based around the theme “Steggler for Quality”.

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The TV campaign spearheads a major revitalisation of the 91-year-oldSteggles brand which was acquired by the privately owned Baiada Groupin July last year, creating the country’s largest poultry producer.


The campaign – which is supported by a national print campaign -features Steggles staff from regional New South Wales and gives aninsight into the people behind the brand.


“The Steggles brand enjoys 94% consumer recognition and our newcampaign and brand refresh is designed to communicate the passion ourstaff has for quality and delivering the very best to consumers,” saidBaiada managing director John Camilleri.


The brand’s marketing push is given further weight by a range ofinitiatives, including the recently signed three-year deal as the majorsponsor of NRL team Sydney Roosters which is a first for the company.


The sponsorship is unique in that it is largely driven by charitycontributions. The contributions to the Charity Nest by both theRoosters and Steggles has a number of components, with the mostinteresting feature being Steggles contribution of $1,000 for eachwinning margin point in every Roosters victory.


Steggles has also launched a new logo, new packaging and a new website.


“This is an exciting time for our company. We play in a dynamic andcompetitive market and we are committed to growing the poultrycategory. We look forward to the opportunities that a renowned brandlike Steggles brings to our business.” added Camilleri. 


Agency: M&C Saatchi

Creative directors: Tom McFarlane/Michael Andrews

Copywriter: Tom McFarlane

Art director: Michael Andrews

Director: Graeme Burfoot

Agency producer: Emma Cowan

Production company: Film Graphics

Post production: FSM